It would be great to see a nice increase in revenue in the upcoming report. It might happen...or it might only be a small increase. Hard to say. Its the growth & the potential that brought me here & will keep me here for a long time. 2 key things. PNCH has added a lot of they've built the base now. They have ad revenue coming in. So far its mostly inexpensive ads. Legal stuff, medical stuff, etc. Its a start. Bit by bit as more shows are viewed in more & more homes in more & more cities, different companies will want to advertise on Punch TV and Punch will slowly start charging more for ad time.
Then there's ClearVision. The recent news release says it will be in 10 airports by end of this year (or is it 10 on top of the 2 existing ones?). If the numbers thrown around last year are accurate, thats well over $1 million in revenue for PNCH (from ad revenue on ClearVision). Most importantly: that is just a drop in the bucket as many more airports get added in 2014, 2015, 2016. Within 2 or 3 years, we will be seeing major revenue from ClearVision.
Thats the definite stuff. Plus there are all sorts of other avenues, like the medical office TV, the distribution outside the US, etc. Finally, there are Steve's hints about other surprises.
I plan to keep the majority of my shares for the long run & be a part of the huge growth potential here.
PNCH; gotta love it.