Last comment, and then I will refrain and restrain:
Let's make a few comparisons and see if the result would still be accepted:
What if I was trying to just make a funny joke, and it was PR'd that included:
A different religion, such as Muslim or Buddhist, and made light of their Deity?
How about someone else's ethnic heritage? (Remember, "just making a joke")
What if they had a physical disability? (But, it's a really funny joke......)
This is right at the beginning of a time, when many Christian denominations are practicing Lent, and many avoid meat on Fridays. So...... we have our grand opening on a Friday, advertising meat, and make a ridiculous statement about God? In a nation that claims to be 80% Christian???
Easter is the holiday that we remember and celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In John's epistle, we are told, "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and gave His Son as the propitiation for our sins" (the actual proof of God's love). Doesn't this make this comment even more offensive at this point on the calendar?
Christians allow themselves to be attacked and ridiculed, because many (myself included) choose to practice our faith in private, and not to speak out when others "use" our beliefs for their own gain. I recently taught my children what the term "taking the Lord's name in vain" actually entails. We had a discussion of the term "blasphemy" as well. The name of Almighty God is to be holy and reverenced, not to be used as a marketing scheme for any product.
Am I to be hypocritical in front of my family and continue on as if "no blood, no foul"? Or, am I to make a stand, even though it may cost me financially and in terms of connections and friendships that I have made on this stock and others?
Jesus Christ is the proof that God loves us. Not Dry Fried Wings, not anything else. Saying anything else is, even if you're only repeating it for the sake of promotion is blasphemy.(remember all of these PRs are edited and approved before publication), According to the Law, given in the Hebrew Scriptures (OT), the punishment for blasphemy was death. God takes the holiness of his name seriously.
Matthew 10:32 states: "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven" NIV