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Posted On: 03/16/2022 6:39:21 AM
Post# of 1023
The universe etc – for ZN readers
I was awakened to write this for some person(s) benefit here
Many scientists including newton-were xtian til Darwins observations of micro evolution gave atheists etc a cause to rally behind to soothe their seared consciences.
1Timothy ch 4:
“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith [I’ve never- once called -been allowed to enter a ‘once saved always saved’ church – I’ve seen leaders fall like flies] and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”
In this passage, we learn three things about false teachers who lead others into apostasy: 1) they are mouthpieces for evil spirits, since they promulgate “things taught by demons”; 2) they are hypocritical liars, since they wear a mask of holiness but are full of falsehood; and 3) they are unscrupulous, since their consciences have been cauterized. This explains much. How can false teachers lie with no shame and spread deception with no compunction? Because they have seared consciences. They are past feeling that lying is wrong.
(https://www.gotquestions.org/seared-conscience.html (not familiar w this website but using it for quick illustration)
the word says [at some point] the wicked will not live out half their lives (e.g., Ps 35,55,109). Before I was even called I met a healthy young strong man and after a short conversation where he lied as part of his job, I said to myself, Lord, he isnt going to live more than 10-14 days, is he? Ten days later I called his company and they angrily told me he had passed away. Were they angry w everybody?
Scientifically it was easy to be an atheist before the scientific discoveries of the last 50 plus years. Until the ca 1880’s scientists thought light traveled thru an ether-which they could neither prove nor understand. Until Einstein scientists thought the universe was static -always existing and unchanging- thus required no external element like a transcendant God. But Einsteins very highly graphic mind started upsetting the applecart.
First his special theory of relativity E= mass times c squared or energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. Think about it.
The speed of light squared is a monstrous number in itself 186,282 miles per second x 3600sec/hr =. 6.702 x 108 miles/hr. =670,615,200 mph
manned spacecraft do not exceed ca 25000 mph= .0000372792% of the speed of light. The general theory of relativity makes it impossible for any man powered vehicle to ever exceed probably 1% of the speed of light. This is due to the energy requirement to power such a vehicle and the shielding required at those speeds. For such a vehicle to approach the speed of light might require more power than is specifically available for that purpose due to the theories energy requirement to incrementally speed up such a vessel. The ppl purposefully proselytized by the star trek types of shows believe we will be able to travel at Warp Factor 7 - 656x lightspeed
• Warp Factor 8 - 1,024x lightspeed
• Warp Factor 9 - 1,516x lightspeed
• Warp Factor 9.99 - 7,912x lightspeed .
Say a bb hits you at 10mph- you live- but at a certain mph- say 1000mph- it goes right through
Space is full of dust and micrometeorites- the faster the craft, the greater the impact of such particles forcing faster vehicles to employ more shielding-more weight-which requires bigger engines(more weight and more fuel) which becomes an endless cycle limiting the speed, even apart from the theory.
See astrophysicists Hugh Ross book, Little Green Men . ‘Films like ET and Contact plus years of indoctrination by naturalism have primed the public to believe life is spread all through the heavens (Little Green Men,p.34). It would take thousands of years for the nearest possible star system that could support life to reach earth-and for what purpose- to play cat and mouse w earth jets? Governments almost always controlled by the adversary throughout history -always have a political purpose for their lies and often a hidden religious purpose- the powers that be have decided its time to start preparing the populace for the arrival of aliens-inter alia they will be blamed for taking xtians at the rapture-saying aliens took the bad seed away so now we can immerse ourselves in total deception and have a great party.
Scores of generations of aliens with only the first generation having any choice would have to travel for thousands of years supplied w thousands of years of goods and without contact w their dying home worlds (the only reason to make such a sacrificial journey) and with no chance of ever returning to an advanced civilization.
Our sun and solar system are as stable as they get and yet we have only ca a 41000 year timeline before changes in the sun etc eliminate chances for advanced life to exist- and if it were not for Gods intervention man would have destroyed the earth already.
98% of our galaxies planets dont have enough heavy elements to support life. Our sun may be the only 5 billion yr old[the most stable time frame] star w enough heavy elements to form small rocky planets(Little Green Men p.36). 94% of galaxies contain no metal rich stars; hence no planets (ibid p.36). How come the liars arent telling us these things-so why should we trust them?
Science proves there are no aliens but those who have a seared conscience have to prove we were not created to soothe their seared conscience by having no accountability to anything but themselves.
Then Einsteins general theory of relativity scared Einstein himself for his science proved the universe was created by an indescribably powerful transcendant (separate and apart from the universe) being- remember E=mass times the speed of light squared- who looked a lot like the God of the bible –that the universe was created by a big bang-by the finger of God.
https://www.reference.com › science › simple-explanation-e-mc2-3383fccb72bc4f5a
A simple explanation of Einstein's equation, E = mc squared, is that small amounts of mass are equivalent to huge amounts of energy. Einstein's equation was revolutionary because it showed that matter and energy were different sides of the same thing
https://science.howstuffworks.com › science-vs-myth › everyday-myths › einstein-formula.htm
The speed of light squared is a colossal number, illustrating just how much energy there is in even tiny amounts of matter. A common example of this is that 1 gram of water -- if its whole mass were converted into pure energy via E=mc² -- contains as much energy as 20,000 tons (18,143 metric tons) of TNT exploding.
Thats why fission produces so much energy despite converting only a tiny tiny amount of matter to energy
The Earth weighs 13 thousand, 170 billion trillion pounds, or 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
https://whatthingsweigh.com › how-much-do...-sun-weigh
The sun is the most powerful and most important object in our solar system. It's also the heaviest object by far. How much does the sun weigh? The sun is estimated to weigh 4,385,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds (1,989,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg). That's beyond our brain's comprehension.
An average galaxy contains 100 billion stars and there may be up to 2 trillion galaxies.
Do you see the problem which atheists ignore. The theory of relativity is the most proved theory known to man, proved to at least 14 decimal points- a hot big bang has been proven and they are working on which kind of hot big bang.
But not only did the creator have to be all powerful he had to be all-knowing. Nothing man has created can ever approach the sophistication of the mitochondria or the human cell etc.
As scientists have discovered things across the board that they cannot explain without the existence of an omniscient creator, the honest scientists -who do not yet have a seared conscience -are flabbergasted but sometimes think they are not understanding right because they think the whole community of scientists are atheists [who often only know about young earth xtians] and they dont want to be cut off from the community of darwinian scientists etc.
but the creator had to be all wise. He could not just stick his finger somewhere and release an unplanned amount of energy willy nilly and thus create matter and energy space and time. He had to produce the exact exact exact right amount of mass and thousands of other things as per exacting specifications for that universe to ever be able to support the advanced life he would create many billions of years later.
The exact amount of mass had to be conformed to a specification of 1 to the 120th power. A tiny amount of too much mass and the universe only produces black holes which swallow each other.
Too little mass and molecules and larger objects like planets and suns are not created.
USA nuclear aircraft carriers weigh ca 100,000 tons. If those carriers “were as fine tuned as the universe, adding or subtracting a billionth of a trillionth of the mass of an electron from the total mass of the aircraft carrier would make it uninhabitable” (why the universe is the way it is, ibid,p. 36).
Just a short example of 1000’s of scientific parameters which had to be met exactly for advanced life to exist.
Scientists used to debate whether neutrinos had enough mass to tip the balance of mass in the favor of the universe slowing its spreading out so gravity could bring everything back to ground zero. But ca 1995 they began to discover dark matter-now called exotic matter and dark energy-which comprise ca 95% of the universe!!!! they dont even know exactly what dark energy is yet but its causing the universe to expand at ever greater speeds-eventually at greater than the speed of light[this universe will end long before that though] -which has some secular astronomers crying!
After the millenium -in ca 1025 years, God will create a new universe anyway for the new universe in Rev ch 21-22 has different laws of physics that will be just right for our eternal existence in heaven. Scientists were missing the forests while looking at the neutrino or admiring their ancestor the amoeba.
Life requires 5% of ordinary matter be bright and 95% dark and that the universe expand at just the right rates at just the right times (Why the universe is the way it is, p38,Hugh Ross).
The probability of just the right amount of matter is ...– Hugh Ross gave that an educated value
calculating probability by multiplying the chance of each such example and the probability is that not even one planet would fit all the requirements to support advanced life.
In 1966 only 2 things were known for life to exist (Little Green Men p.37). - by 2002 ;140 things; BY 2006’, 874 specific parameters were required for advanced life to exist – talk about the dark ages!
Early astronauts were xtian but nasa has become a hot bed of non-believing secularism w seared consciences. Thus they are always searching for water combined with maybe a few other things and wola they think that means life existed.
They are ignoring the scientific parameters of thousands of things discovered since the 60’s which are required to support advanced life and hundreds of things required for less advanced life.
In our local group of galaxies-as far as astronomers can see-is the only group of galaxies that can sustain a planet on which a long history of diverse complex and abundant life is possible (Improbable Planet,p.32). Only stable, right aged, unfrayed w just right magnetic field spiral galaxies can support life but other than ours no such galaxy w features that would allow for, let alone sustain, the needs of advanced life -no such galaxies have been found (ibid p.35).
At each dimension of the universe additional requirements exist. Just the right type of goldilocks midsized spiral galaxy at just the right eventual co-rotational distance of ca 26000 miles from the galaxy center. Too close to the center and vastly too much radiation for life to exist. Too far from the center and not enough heavy elements required for advanced life to exist. See the chemical table. A larger or smaller galaxy will have co-rotational distance that cannot support advanced life. See Improbable Planet.
Advanced life requires the heavy elements produced by 3 or 4 types of supernova. Normal suns like ours only burn hydrogen to produce helium and have some heavy elements acquired from supernovas but is not large enough in itself to produce heavy elements via fusion. Supernovas take the fusion several steps further producing other heavier elements.
A life supporting planet has to be on the tricky boundary of each supernova – far away enough away for life not to be destroyed by radiation but close enough to receive the right amount of each required type of heavy element. This alone probably eliminates well over 99% of solar systems.
Supernova exist toward the galaxy center from the co-rotational distance(too much radiation and too many wandering objects etc for steady long lasting planetary orbits).
So our solar system had to be positioned in a dozen goldilock ways to be initially inside the co-rotational distance and receive just the right amount of heavy elements from just the right types of supernova (worth thousands of hat tricks itself) at just the right distances- and having done that the solar system had to be moved to within the co-rotational goldilocks corridor where advanced life could exist in THIS galaxy.
“Since advanced life can exist only if supported by billions of years of previously existing simpler life it seems doubly certain that humans are the only intelligent species in the universe (partially paraphrased ,Why The Universe Is The Way It Is ,p76, 2008, Reasons to Believe, Hugh Ross).
Remember in 1966 only 2 parameters were known to be required for advanced life to exist and reprobate nasa has reduced that to essentially one parameter-water – for any life-thus their endless search for water not supported by the science. They will eventually find earth microbes on the moon and mars -blown by the solar wind to those locales by microbes which escaped earth due to meteorite crashes which dispersed enough matter to the high atmosphere that some exceeded earth escape velocity. Then they will dance and say, this proves life evolved in many places and we were not created beings.
Due to the increasing pace of scientific discoveries, as of 2006, 824 finely tuned features were known to exist for advanced life to be supported (p123,ibid). Chance of only 1 to the negative 1050th power . 1 followed by 1050 zeroes. Scientists believe anything less than 1 followed by 50 or sometimes 100 zeroes is an impossibility .
By now there are I believe from what I’ve seen from memory well over 1000 known narrow requirements and possibly 1300 requirements to satisfy for advanced life to exist.
One more example. In 1969 the universe was thought to be 15 to 20 billion years old. The latest estimate is ca 13.8 billion years. Why is this important? Well, it takes several generations of stars several billon years each to produce enough quantity and types of heavy elements to support advanced life. Subtract the age of the earth -ca 4.5 billion years. Add the hundreds of specific tailored creations of many increasingly advanced microbial etc to more advanced life forms necessary to prepare the earth for humans and there is just not enough time for chance.
‘‘There are no time lags[as would be expected w evolution].The moment conditions allow for a greater complexity and diversity of life that complexity and diversity immediately appear...up to maximal limits”(Improbable Planet, p.19).
Besides, atheists believe every mutation is positive when the exact opposite is true -for every positive mutation there are 10000 life destroying mutations. Life is presently getting weaker due to ca 3 negative mutations per generation plus all the other things- estrogen etc in the water from all the poison pills prescribed.
One scientist – see Ross’s books- estimated the odds of some kind of life evolving thru natural methods only was 1 to the 24 millionth power – 1 followed by 24 million zeros far exceeding scientist definition of what is possible – given the short available time.
At each epoch of earth history after each explosive die off of life forms, new exactly the right type of life forms were created to fill every available niche to perform the next stage of preparation for advanced life. That is the subject of Hugh Ross’s book, Improbable Planet, copyright 2016, Reasons to Believe.
It would be impossible for any other civilization to become advanced before we could-even if the science allowed for another advanced civilization-which it doesnt .
Jesus died once (Hebrews). Since he created the universe (John ch 1) and since he is no respector of persons (Romans) he would have to die for each spiritual form of life within the universe. Would he then allow one such species to invade the territory of another for what purpose –to terrorize and confuse? -thats satans game . Forgetting that the odds are against even one planet having advanced forms of life. We have enough problems without creating alien fantasies-another game of the adversary to confuse and deceive ppl and draw them away from Gods word and creation.
Earlier I mentioned I worked once w a Slav- people related to Russians. Read that 70% of Russians were brainwashed by the soviet union to believe usa moon landings were fake productions of american movie producer-as the slav believed- and thats the most substantiated event of the 20th century-and this slav had lived most if not all of his life in the usa!
Deception begets deception til there is no end.
Meanwhile that slav-and I liked him- fully believed in bigfoot- a big ape.
Big apes are herbivores. No scientific proof exists of any bigfoot in the americas – but the official self appointed bigfoot association gathers reports of their sightings in almost every state of the usa- even kansas and colder states in winter. What will they eat in the frozen states during winter and without cover to remain hidden?? And no roadkill ever etc!
Given that almost every inch of usa soil has been covered by hunters, mountain bikes and others not one hair example etc has been proven to belong to anything other than bear deer etc.
The slav and a crafter enjoyed talking about bigfoot and the newer fantasies of flying hybrid humanoids.
Many who have read the thousands of such reports have asked: is this mass psychosis? And it is. What confirmed this to me were reports from one family who set up cameras but though they knew the bigfoot were there the apes never showed on camera. Why -because they are interdimensional beings – manifestations of satans kingdom designed to confuse and terrify. I suspect the similarly almost as widespread in the usa plus many other nations reports of large flying pterodactlys is the similar kind of interdimensional show boating by satans kingdom, as are ufo’s of the alien kind- its great deceptive fear creating sport for satan.
“ MY people are destroyed due to lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
Gods ppl dont even know they have rejected knowledge nor do they want to be free- similar to the entire history of the bibl e. See e.g Ezekial ch 2,3.
So can you imagine how deceived unbelievers are-having no defense against deception. You can see present examples in China and Russias and current authorities in the usa brainwashing their own ppl.
1 Corinthians 12:4-11 NIV:
4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.
https://www.christianity.com › wiki › christian-life › the-spiritual-gift-discernment-of-spirits.html
The Holy Spirit gives the gift of discernment to enable certain Christians to clearly recognize and distinguish between the influence of God, Satan, the world, and the flesh in a given situation. The church needs those with this gift to warn believers in times of danger or keep them from being led astray by false teaching."
Through that gift I could see ppls rebellion since long term memory formed at age 2-and when sent to ppl or churches and sometimes when not even sent tell whether they were crafters or possessed or were possessed but not now(in which case I sometimes knew how long they would live- evil spirits depart shortly before the vessel they inhabit dies in order to find another vessel-they-except for the principalities- are terribly limited in what they can do without operating thru human rebellion-which is their best friend- or whether demons were trying to regain entry. I could discern when they had fallen or were fallen via their voice eyes breath etc and, if witches, discern markers in their false tongues.
You cannot fight what you cannot see or what controls you. The first rule of warfare is being able to discern/locate the enemy so you can fight the enemy.
Jealously is almost universal among humans so at least get jealous for a good reason and seek greater things, including discernment. None of the prophets or pastors etc I met had the discernment needed to even know the adversary had planted crafters in their churches -almost always on the pastors staff-to control their churches. I’ve been to prophets bible studies where the leader was a witch and jumped in fright when they saw me-as witches often did-– the prophets did not have the discernment to know.
When I was sent to the churches and shown the devastating condition of the church decades ago- in the small % of churches I was allowed to enter I immediately by the gift of discerning of spirits (I Cor 12:10) saw the witches satan assigned in each church to control it and operate thru the universal rebellion of every pastor prophet and member etc.
The pastors or prophets would prophesy over me – “God showed me the Shekina glory over you -something i have never seen before. Nobody else was either willing or able to pay the price to deliver this Noahs generation. Nobody else would have survived what you have been through” etc.
They always said it was the strongest anointing of their life {the anointing breaks the yoke- Isaiah)
God had to sovereignly bypass their unacknowledged huge rebellious carnal double- mind to even reveal these things to them= - so they could come into Mt 18:19 agreement for their churches to be freed from the adversaries control.
So we would begin talking but invariably within a few minutes they no longer remembered what they had just prophesied and didnt know who I was and under the control of the adversary then scowled at me. The strongest anointing of their life disappeared in minutes!!! At the last such church He instructed the prophet on my team and myself to shake the dust off our feet as Paul often had to do.
Havent seen any change yet except for the specificity of national prophets finally prophesying what I was shown well over 40 years ago.
That prophet fell away from the faith after I was used to deliver their family from many cult attacks and heal some of them etc. That was Sept 11 1994-exactly 7 years before 911. 911 occurred and the church still had no answers. Except for some prophets prophecies the church still has no answers to the widespread rebellion which is the cause of the condition of the church.
This is not the perfected church of Ephesians 4:11-14 and Ephesians 5 etc that Jesus died for. So its not time to go into a one world govt controlled by the antichrist -which would mean we already missed the rapture.
God did not create this universe and wait 13.8 billion years later for humans to be controlled by the adversary to the end. A change is coming. A different time is coming . God will sovereignly remove- perhaps through a substitutionary intercessory will-since nobody wants to be free-the millions of veils of Isa 25:7 deception that surround almost every persons mind-one for every forgotten rebellious free will decision-ca 150/day -one million every 18 years.
“ The Babylonian system of evil will collapse like a house of cards .”
There will be a lot of sudden changes.
Satan and the one world order want to create WW3 to prepare for one world government and reduce population to a manageable 500 million-almost all the world is ready for such except nationalists russia and china who want to dominate the world themselves by destroying the ‘great satan’-the usa and the west. We are the ‘great satan’ because in the ww2 generation which stopped satans plans then for a one world govt 65% of americans were bible believing xtians - evangelicals and full gospel- todays press doesnt even know what full gospel is.
But satans moves are premature just as they were in Hitlers day. Its not time for a new world order yet nor for widespread nuclear war.
The purpose of allowing turmoil- since thats the only way to catch a rebellious peoples attention- is to open ppls eyes - remove the veils of deception from ppls eyes -as He did with the apostle Paul by knocking him off his horse and temporarily blinding him.
“ His glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea .” (Habakkuk 2:14;Isaiah etc).
Some level of justic e- something unknown to humans -will prevail for a period of time -anywhere from a few years (should be longer than that) to several decades (probably less than that) before the deception returns in preparation for the rapture and the great deception which follows the rapture.
Ministries rarely change so far – the alarmists are connecting the Ukraine war to the end as they always do.
Maybe you can see all the things I’ve mentioned here tie together.
2Thessalonians 2:2-12 :
Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
2Thessalonians 2:5-12 :
Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
For those who are restless while waiting, try focusing on the biblical holidays/festivals which Zion has to recognize since their well pad operations are under contract w a religious kibbutz - those holidays are not just jewish holidays- they are biblical holidays for our edification/instruction- thus they/ve been increasingly embraced by the full gospel church. Purim begins 6pm 3-16 and ends 6pm 3-17-22 St Patricks day. Purim refers to the events in the book of Esther-another story of rapid reversals and sudden justice.
Timing is the most difficult subject wrought w potential problems. His ways are not our ways nor is His timing. Very few survive His timing testing- He’s the rulemaker/tester- and things often do not resolve in ways we would expect.
Kat Kerr says once the stolen election is resolved His man (different ppl as per term limitations) will be in the house 22 years and Jesus confirmed that to her via an open vision. Many have prophesied the soon coming exposure of the fraud of the 2020 election and the reinstatement of His anointed. Wendy Alecs prophecy “justice by spring” could mean this spring -which would require a Purim intervention. Manuel Johnson said he saw His anointed reinstated by 2022.
A great deal of destruction has occurred since the fraud but many have said that was necessary to expose evil/ the deep state[for those who are awake the deep state was exposed though a lot more exposure is coming] and awaken the sleeping church so in the long run things are better because a sleeping church cant and was not doing its part. A lot of bad things happen because He delegated His authority on earth to the Church which has been in almost continuous rebellion just as His ppl were in the OT].
Almost all nations have repaid the good the usa has done for them w evil. The USA and all good ppl have not reaped the good they have sown but its coming.
‘’ A new time is coming ” [where the wicked will no longer be ruling now in this time but reaping the evil they have sown. It could have been earlier but nobody was ever able to come into agreement for the deliverance of the church and legal system etc except one I delivered just before the ppl church authorities and the land killed him without remorse (Jer 1:17-19) In fact God told the firefighter prophet it was His will to elect His anointed in 2012 but the Church wast ready yet].
“ A [good] change is coming ” where God will reveal himself to his newly created ppl and angels and Gods doings will be reported by an astonished secular press as many have noted-those who have not already reaped judgment and been removed. Not just a visitation but a habitation where in some ways we will experience the victory and power and presence of the coming millenium.
“Resurrections will be commonplace” [He confirmed this hours later via Wendy Alecs book, Visions from Heaven, p.208]
“ Understanding of the Holy Spirit and Jesus First Coming [Since the vast majority of the Church is still living in the Old Testament and even the avant garde still is controlled by rebellion they dont recognize] “ will increase . Do not lose hope. I am coming soon”.(eom).
The Babylonian system of evil will collapse like a house of cards ”.
Many are now prophesying these things I’ve been shown for decades-a sign the avant garde is waking up. There will be many suddenlies.
Since this company we are invested in- ZNOG – is an openly Christian company dedicated to blessing Israel on biblical principals of Gen 12:3 etc I present this. I’ve been trying to open the stock communities eyes for 12 years and possibly will be moved on shortly so I hope one person eventually understands what I’ve been saying.
I’ve never seen such a biblical witness in a business meeting, let alone a stockholders meeting, as we saw a few years ago especially by the ZN CEO at that time who brought Rob Dunn in to replace him since Dunn is a 3d specialist etc. The ceo reported many miracles. Miracles have been reported in the Ukraine war also as they were in Israels wars.
Eventually He has to reward such a prevailing uncompromising witness .
I have not been told but its seems reasonable to at least begin to reward ZN with this well in order for ZN to be granted a production lease- to maybe at least recover costs and confirm a reservoir. Otherwise ZN will have to start over w another license and the years of prep that takes and I dont know how ZN will do that at this ridiculously low pps in contraindication of the location of this license and the heavy spiritual warfare re this license.
A longing fulfilled is a tree of life but hope deferred makes the heart sick(Proverbs 13:12). Its not his purpose to make our hearts sick especially as He has given us the desires of our heart if we are obedient. And having done all to stand, stand(Eph 6).
Whats the alternative? We are in a war. Those who give up in a war are destroyed. This time is very brief compared with the rewards in the millenium and eternity.
Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Gal 6:9).
The last 50 plus years we’ve been surrounded by a culture of immediate gratification, which the church has fully participated in since it fell asleep in 1954. Its been ca 68 years since then.
I’ve previously posted a few prophecies notably from elijahlist.com Those live conversations between Steve Schulz and different prophets every day M-F is a new thing. So watch and or read to learn the culture and language of the Church to which we are suppose to belong rather than the culture of the world. We live in the world but we do not belong to the world. The world doesnt know anything good and has nothing to offer and its time is almost over.
I was awakened to write this for some person(s) benefit here
Many scientists including newton-were xtian til Darwins observations of micro evolution gave atheists etc a cause to rally behind to soothe their seared consciences.
1Timothy ch 4:
“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith [I’ve never- once called -been allowed to enter a ‘once saved always saved’ church – I’ve seen leaders fall like flies] and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”
In this passage, we learn three things about false teachers who lead others into apostasy: 1) they are mouthpieces for evil spirits, since they promulgate “things taught by demons”; 2) they are hypocritical liars, since they wear a mask of holiness but are full of falsehood; and 3) they are unscrupulous, since their consciences have been cauterized. This explains much. How can false teachers lie with no shame and spread deception with no compunction? Because they have seared consciences. They are past feeling that lying is wrong.
(https://www.gotquestions.org/seared-conscience.html (not familiar w this website but using it for quick illustration)
the word says [at some point] the wicked will not live out half their lives (e.g., Ps 35,55,109). Before I was even called I met a healthy young strong man and after a short conversation where he lied as part of his job, I said to myself, Lord, he isnt going to live more than 10-14 days, is he? Ten days later I called his company and they angrily told me he had passed away. Were they angry w everybody?
Scientifically it was easy to be an atheist before the scientific discoveries of the last 50 plus years. Until the ca 1880’s scientists thought light traveled thru an ether-which they could neither prove nor understand. Until Einstein scientists thought the universe was static -always existing and unchanging- thus required no external element like a transcendant God. But Einsteins very highly graphic mind started upsetting the applecart.
First his special theory of relativity E= mass times c squared or energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. Think about it.
The speed of light squared is a monstrous number in itself 186,282 miles per second x 3600sec/hr =. 6.702 x 108 miles/hr. =670,615,200 mph
manned spacecraft do not exceed ca 25000 mph= .0000372792% of the speed of light. The general theory of relativity makes it impossible for any man powered vehicle to ever exceed probably 1% of the speed of light. This is due to the energy requirement to power such a vehicle and the shielding required at those speeds. For such a vehicle to approach the speed of light might require more power than is specifically available for that purpose due to the theories energy requirement to incrementally speed up such a vessel. The ppl purposefully proselytized by the star trek types of shows believe we will be able to travel at Warp Factor 7 - 656x lightspeed
• Warp Factor 8 - 1,024x lightspeed
• Warp Factor 9 - 1,516x lightspeed
• Warp Factor 9.99 - 7,912x lightspeed .
Say a bb hits you at 10mph- you live- but at a certain mph- say 1000mph- it goes right through
Space is full of dust and micrometeorites- the faster the craft, the greater the impact of such particles forcing faster vehicles to employ more shielding-more weight-which requires bigger engines(more weight and more fuel) which becomes an endless cycle limiting the speed, even apart from the theory.
See astrophysicists Hugh Ross book, Little Green Men . ‘Films like ET and Contact plus years of indoctrination by naturalism have primed the public to believe life is spread all through the heavens (Little Green Men,p.34). It would take thousands of years for the nearest possible star system that could support life to reach earth-and for what purpose- to play cat and mouse w earth jets? Governments almost always controlled by the adversary throughout history -always have a political purpose for their lies and often a hidden religious purpose- the powers that be have decided its time to start preparing the populace for the arrival of aliens-inter alia they will be blamed for taking xtians at the rapture-saying aliens took the bad seed away so now we can immerse ourselves in total deception and have a great party.
Scores of generations of aliens with only the first generation having any choice would have to travel for thousands of years supplied w thousands of years of goods and without contact w their dying home worlds (the only reason to make such a sacrificial journey) and with no chance of ever returning to an advanced civilization.
Our sun and solar system are as stable as they get and yet we have only ca a 41000 year timeline before changes in the sun etc eliminate chances for advanced life to exist- and if it were not for Gods intervention man would have destroyed the earth already.
98% of our galaxies planets dont have enough heavy elements to support life. Our sun may be the only 5 billion yr old[the most stable time frame] star w enough heavy elements to form small rocky planets(Little Green Men p.36). 94% of galaxies contain no metal rich stars; hence no planets (ibid p.36). How come the liars arent telling us these things-so why should we trust them?
Science proves there are no aliens but those who have a seared conscience have to prove we were not created to soothe their seared conscience by having no accountability to anything but themselves.
Then Einsteins general theory of relativity scared Einstein himself for his science proved the universe was created by an indescribably powerful transcendant (separate and apart from the universe) being- remember E=mass times the speed of light squared- who looked a lot like the God of the bible –that the universe was created by a big bang-by the finger of God.
https://www.reference.com › science › simple-explanation-e-mc2-3383fccb72bc4f5a
A simple explanation of Einstein's equation, E = mc squared, is that small amounts of mass are equivalent to huge amounts of energy. Einstein's equation was revolutionary because it showed that matter and energy were different sides of the same thing
https://science.howstuffworks.com › science-vs-myth › everyday-myths › einstein-formula.htm
The speed of light squared is a colossal number, illustrating just how much energy there is in even tiny amounts of matter. A common example of this is that 1 gram of water -- if its whole mass were converted into pure energy via E=mc² -- contains as much energy as 20,000 tons (18,143 metric tons) of TNT exploding.
Thats why fission produces so much energy despite converting only a tiny tiny amount of matter to energy
The Earth weighs 13 thousand, 170 billion trillion pounds, or 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
https://whatthingsweigh.com › how-much-do...-sun-weigh
The sun is the most powerful and most important object in our solar system. It's also the heaviest object by far. How much does the sun weigh? The sun is estimated to weigh 4,385,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds (1,989,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg). That's beyond our brain's comprehension.
An average galaxy contains 100 billion stars and there may be up to 2 trillion galaxies.
Do you see the problem which atheists ignore. The theory of relativity is the most proved theory known to man, proved to at least 14 decimal points- a hot big bang has been proven and they are working on which kind of hot big bang.
But not only did the creator have to be all powerful he had to be all-knowing. Nothing man has created can ever approach the sophistication of the mitochondria or the human cell etc.
As scientists have discovered things across the board that they cannot explain without the existence of an omniscient creator, the honest scientists -who do not yet have a seared conscience -are flabbergasted but sometimes think they are not understanding right because they think the whole community of scientists are atheists [who often only know about young earth xtians] and they dont want to be cut off from the community of darwinian scientists etc.
but the creator had to be all wise. He could not just stick his finger somewhere and release an unplanned amount of energy willy nilly and thus create matter and energy space and time. He had to produce the exact exact exact right amount of mass and thousands of other things as per exacting specifications for that universe to ever be able to support the advanced life he would create many billions of years later.
The exact amount of mass had to be conformed to a specification of 1 to the 120th power. A tiny amount of too much mass and the universe only produces black holes which swallow each other.
Too little mass and molecules and larger objects like planets and suns are not created.
USA nuclear aircraft carriers weigh ca 100,000 tons. If those carriers “were as fine tuned as the universe, adding or subtracting a billionth of a trillionth of the mass of an electron from the total mass of the aircraft carrier would make it uninhabitable” (why the universe is the way it is, ibid,p. 36).
Just a short example of 1000’s of scientific parameters which had to be met exactly for advanced life to exist.
Scientists used to debate whether neutrinos had enough mass to tip the balance of mass in the favor of the universe slowing its spreading out so gravity could bring everything back to ground zero. But ca 1995 they began to discover dark matter-now called exotic matter and dark energy-which comprise ca 95% of the universe!!!! they dont even know exactly what dark energy is yet but its causing the universe to expand at ever greater speeds-eventually at greater than the speed of light[this universe will end long before that though] -which has some secular astronomers crying!
After the millenium -in ca 1025 years, God will create a new universe anyway for the new universe in Rev ch 21-22 has different laws of physics that will be just right for our eternal existence in heaven. Scientists were missing the forests while looking at the neutrino or admiring their ancestor the amoeba.
Life requires 5% of ordinary matter be bright and 95% dark and that the universe expand at just the right rates at just the right times (Why the universe is the way it is, p38,Hugh Ross).
The probability of just the right amount of matter is ...– Hugh Ross gave that an educated value
calculating probability by multiplying the chance of each such example and the probability is that not even one planet would fit all the requirements to support advanced life.
In 1966 only 2 things were known for life to exist (Little Green Men p.37). - by 2002 ;140 things; BY 2006’, 874 specific parameters were required for advanced life to exist – talk about the dark ages!
Early astronauts were xtian but nasa has become a hot bed of non-believing secularism w seared consciences. Thus they are always searching for water combined with maybe a few other things and wola they think that means life existed.
They are ignoring the scientific parameters of thousands of things discovered since the 60’s which are required to support advanced life and hundreds of things required for less advanced life.
In our local group of galaxies-as far as astronomers can see-is the only group of galaxies that can sustain a planet on which a long history of diverse complex and abundant life is possible (Improbable Planet,p.32). Only stable, right aged, unfrayed w just right magnetic field spiral galaxies can support life but other than ours no such galaxy w features that would allow for, let alone sustain, the needs of advanced life -no such galaxies have been found (ibid p.35).
At each dimension of the universe additional requirements exist. Just the right type of goldilocks midsized spiral galaxy at just the right eventual co-rotational distance of ca 26000 miles from the galaxy center. Too close to the center and vastly too much radiation for life to exist. Too far from the center and not enough heavy elements required for advanced life to exist. See the chemical table. A larger or smaller galaxy will have co-rotational distance that cannot support advanced life. See Improbable Planet.
Advanced life requires the heavy elements produced by 3 or 4 types of supernova. Normal suns like ours only burn hydrogen to produce helium and have some heavy elements acquired from supernovas but is not large enough in itself to produce heavy elements via fusion. Supernovas take the fusion several steps further producing other heavier elements.
A life supporting planet has to be on the tricky boundary of each supernova – far away enough away for life not to be destroyed by radiation but close enough to receive the right amount of each required type of heavy element. This alone probably eliminates well over 99% of solar systems.
Supernova exist toward the galaxy center from the co-rotational distance(too much radiation and too many wandering objects etc for steady long lasting planetary orbits).
So our solar system had to be positioned in a dozen goldilock ways to be initially inside the co-rotational distance and receive just the right amount of heavy elements from just the right types of supernova (worth thousands of hat tricks itself) at just the right distances- and having done that the solar system had to be moved to within the co-rotational goldilocks corridor where advanced life could exist in THIS galaxy.
“Since advanced life can exist only if supported by billions of years of previously existing simpler life it seems doubly certain that humans are the only intelligent species in the universe (partially paraphrased ,Why The Universe Is The Way It Is ,p76, 2008, Reasons to Believe, Hugh Ross).
Remember in 1966 only 2 parameters were known to be required for advanced life to exist and reprobate nasa has reduced that to essentially one parameter-water – for any life-thus their endless search for water not supported by the science. They will eventually find earth microbes on the moon and mars -blown by the solar wind to those locales by microbes which escaped earth due to meteorite crashes which dispersed enough matter to the high atmosphere that some exceeded earth escape velocity. Then they will dance and say, this proves life evolved in many places and we were not created beings.
Due to the increasing pace of scientific discoveries, as of 2006, 824 finely tuned features were known to exist for advanced life to be supported (p123,ibid). Chance of only 1 to the negative 1050th power . 1 followed by 1050 zeroes. Scientists believe anything less than 1 followed by 50 or sometimes 100 zeroes is an impossibility .
By now there are I believe from what I’ve seen from memory well over 1000 known narrow requirements and possibly 1300 requirements to satisfy for advanced life to exist.
One more example. In 1969 the universe was thought to be 15 to 20 billion years old. The latest estimate is ca 13.8 billion years. Why is this important? Well, it takes several generations of stars several billon years each to produce enough quantity and types of heavy elements to support advanced life. Subtract the age of the earth -ca 4.5 billion years. Add the hundreds of specific tailored creations of many increasingly advanced microbial etc to more advanced life forms necessary to prepare the earth for humans and there is just not enough time for chance.
‘‘There are no time lags[as would be expected w evolution].The moment conditions allow for a greater complexity and diversity of life that complexity and diversity immediately appear...up to maximal limits”(Improbable Planet, p.19).
Besides, atheists believe every mutation is positive when the exact opposite is true -for every positive mutation there are 10000 life destroying mutations. Life is presently getting weaker due to ca 3 negative mutations per generation plus all the other things- estrogen etc in the water from all the poison pills prescribed.
One scientist – see Ross’s books- estimated the odds of some kind of life evolving thru natural methods only was 1 to the 24 millionth power – 1 followed by 24 million zeros far exceeding scientist definition of what is possible – given the short available time.
At each epoch of earth history after each explosive die off of life forms, new exactly the right type of life forms were created to fill every available niche to perform the next stage of preparation for advanced life. That is the subject of Hugh Ross’s book, Improbable Planet, copyright 2016, Reasons to Believe.
It would be impossible for any other civilization to become advanced before we could-even if the science allowed for another advanced civilization-which it doesnt .
Jesus died once (Hebrews). Since he created the universe (John ch 1) and since he is no respector of persons (Romans) he would have to die for each spiritual form of life within the universe. Would he then allow one such species to invade the territory of another for what purpose –to terrorize and confuse? -thats satans game . Forgetting that the odds are against even one planet having advanced forms of life. We have enough problems without creating alien fantasies-another game of the adversary to confuse and deceive ppl and draw them away from Gods word and creation.
Earlier I mentioned I worked once w a Slav- people related to Russians. Read that 70% of Russians were brainwashed by the soviet union to believe usa moon landings were fake productions of american movie producer-as the slav believed- and thats the most substantiated event of the 20th century-and this slav had lived most if not all of his life in the usa!
Deception begets deception til there is no end.
Meanwhile that slav-and I liked him- fully believed in bigfoot- a big ape.
Big apes are herbivores. No scientific proof exists of any bigfoot in the americas – but the official self appointed bigfoot association gathers reports of their sightings in almost every state of the usa- even kansas and colder states in winter. What will they eat in the frozen states during winter and without cover to remain hidden?? And no roadkill ever etc!
Given that almost every inch of usa soil has been covered by hunters, mountain bikes and others not one hair example etc has been proven to belong to anything other than bear deer etc.
The slav and a crafter enjoyed talking about bigfoot and the newer fantasies of flying hybrid humanoids.
Many who have read the thousands of such reports have asked: is this mass psychosis? And it is. What confirmed this to me were reports from one family who set up cameras but though they knew the bigfoot were there the apes never showed on camera. Why -because they are interdimensional beings – manifestations of satans kingdom designed to confuse and terrify. I suspect the similarly almost as widespread in the usa plus many other nations reports of large flying pterodactlys is the similar kind of interdimensional show boating by satans kingdom, as are ufo’s of the alien kind- its great deceptive fear creating sport for satan.
“ MY people are destroyed due to lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
Gods ppl dont even know they have rejected knowledge nor do they want to be free- similar to the entire history of the bibl e. See e.g Ezekial ch 2,3.
So can you imagine how deceived unbelievers are-having no defense against deception. You can see present examples in China and Russias and current authorities in the usa brainwashing their own ppl.
1 Corinthians 12:4-11 NIV:
4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.
https://www.christianity.com › wiki › christian-life › the-spiritual-gift-discernment-of-spirits.html
The Holy Spirit gives the gift of discernment to enable certain Christians to clearly recognize and distinguish between the influence of God, Satan, the world, and the flesh in a given situation. The church needs those with this gift to warn believers in times of danger or keep them from being led astray by false teaching."
Through that gift I could see ppls rebellion since long term memory formed at age 2-and when sent to ppl or churches and sometimes when not even sent tell whether they were crafters or possessed or were possessed but not now(in which case I sometimes knew how long they would live- evil spirits depart shortly before the vessel they inhabit dies in order to find another vessel-they-except for the principalities- are terribly limited in what they can do without operating thru human rebellion-which is their best friend- or whether demons were trying to regain entry. I could discern when they had fallen or were fallen via their voice eyes breath etc and, if witches, discern markers in their false tongues.
You cannot fight what you cannot see or what controls you. The first rule of warfare is being able to discern/locate the enemy so you can fight the enemy.
Jealously is almost universal among humans so at least get jealous for a good reason and seek greater things, including discernment. None of the prophets or pastors etc I met had the discernment needed to even know the adversary had planted crafters in their churches -almost always on the pastors staff-to control their churches. I’ve been to prophets bible studies where the leader was a witch and jumped in fright when they saw me-as witches often did-– the prophets did not have the discernment to know.
When I was sent to the churches and shown the devastating condition of the church decades ago- in the small % of churches I was allowed to enter I immediately by the gift of discerning of spirits (I Cor 12:10) saw the witches satan assigned in each church to control it and operate thru the universal rebellion of every pastor prophet and member etc.
The pastors or prophets would prophesy over me – “God showed me the Shekina glory over you -something i have never seen before. Nobody else was either willing or able to pay the price to deliver this Noahs generation. Nobody else would have survived what you have been through” etc.
They always said it was the strongest anointing of their life {the anointing breaks the yoke- Isaiah)
God had to sovereignly bypass their unacknowledged huge rebellious carnal double- mind to even reveal these things to them= - so they could come into Mt 18:19 agreement for their churches to be freed from the adversaries control.
So we would begin talking but invariably within a few minutes they no longer remembered what they had just prophesied and didnt know who I was and under the control of the adversary then scowled at me. The strongest anointing of their life disappeared in minutes!!! At the last such church He instructed the prophet on my team and myself to shake the dust off our feet as Paul often had to do.
Havent seen any change yet except for the specificity of national prophets finally prophesying what I was shown well over 40 years ago.
That prophet fell away from the faith after I was used to deliver their family from many cult attacks and heal some of them etc. That was Sept 11 1994-exactly 7 years before 911. 911 occurred and the church still had no answers. Except for some prophets prophecies the church still has no answers to the widespread rebellion which is the cause of the condition of the church.
This is not the perfected church of Ephesians 4:11-14 and Ephesians 5 etc that Jesus died for. So its not time to go into a one world govt controlled by the antichrist -which would mean we already missed the rapture.
God did not create this universe and wait 13.8 billion years later for humans to be controlled by the adversary to the end. A change is coming. A different time is coming . God will sovereignly remove- perhaps through a substitutionary intercessory will-since nobody wants to be free-the millions of veils of Isa 25:7 deception that surround almost every persons mind-one for every forgotten rebellious free will decision-ca 150/day -one million every 18 years.
“ The Babylonian system of evil will collapse like a house of cards .”
There will be a lot of sudden changes.
Satan and the one world order want to create WW3 to prepare for one world government and reduce population to a manageable 500 million-almost all the world is ready for such except nationalists russia and china who want to dominate the world themselves by destroying the ‘great satan’-the usa and the west. We are the ‘great satan’ because in the ww2 generation which stopped satans plans then for a one world govt 65% of americans were bible believing xtians - evangelicals and full gospel- todays press doesnt even know what full gospel is.
But satans moves are premature just as they were in Hitlers day. Its not time for a new world order yet nor for widespread nuclear war.
The purpose of allowing turmoil- since thats the only way to catch a rebellious peoples attention- is to open ppls eyes - remove the veils of deception from ppls eyes -as He did with the apostle Paul by knocking him off his horse and temporarily blinding him.
“ His glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea .” (Habakkuk 2:14;Isaiah etc).
Some level of justic e- something unknown to humans -will prevail for a period of time -anywhere from a few years (should be longer than that) to several decades (probably less than that) before the deception returns in preparation for the rapture and the great deception which follows the rapture.
Ministries rarely change so far – the alarmists are connecting the Ukraine war to the end as they always do.
Maybe you can see all the things I’ve mentioned here tie together.
2Thessalonians 2:2-12 :
Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
2Thessalonians 2:5-12 :
Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
For those who are restless while waiting, try focusing on the biblical holidays/festivals which Zion has to recognize since their well pad operations are under contract w a religious kibbutz - those holidays are not just jewish holidays- they are biblical holidays for our edification/instruction- thus they/ve been increasingly embraced by the full gospel church. Purim begins 6pm 3-16 and ends 6pm 3-17-22 St Patricks day. Purim refers to the events in the book of Esther-another story of rapid reversals and sudden justice.
Timing is the most difficult subject wrought w potential problems. His ways are not our ways nor is His timing. Very few survive His timing testing- He’s the rulemaker/tester- and things often do not resolve in ways we would expect.
Kat Kerr says once the stolen election is resolved His man (different ppl as per term limitations) will be in the house 22 years and Jesus confirmed that to her via an open vision. Many have prophesied the soon coming exposure of the fraud of the 2020 election and the reinstatement of His anointed. Wendy Alecs prophecy “justice by spring” could mean this spring -which would require a Purim intervention. Manuel Johnson said he saw His anointed reinstated by 2022.
A great deal of destruction has occurred since the fraud but many have said that was necessary to expose evil/ the deep state[for those who are awake the deep state was exposed though a lot more exposure is coming] and awaken the sleeping church so in the long run things are better because a sleeping church cant and was not doing its part. A lot of bad things happen because He delegated His authority on earth to the Church which has been in almost continuous rebellion just as His ppl were in the OT].
Almost all nations have repaid the good the usa has done for them w evil. The USA and all good ppl have not reaped the good they have sown but its coming.
‘’ A new time is coming ” [where the wicked will no longer be ruling now in this time but reaping the evil they have sown. It could have been earlier but nobody was ever able to come into agreement for the deliverance of the church and legal system etc except one I delivered just before the ppl church authorities and the land killed him without remorse (Jer 1:17-19) In fact God told the firefighter prophet it was His will to elect His anointed in 2012 but the Church wast ready yet].
“ A [good] change is coming ” where God will reveal himself to his newly created ppl and angels and Gods doings will be reported by an astonished secular press as many have noted-those who have not already reaped judgment and been removed. Not just a visitation but a habitation where in some ways we will experience the victory and power and presence of the coming millenium.
“Resurrections will be commonplace” [He confirmed this hours later via Wendy Alecs book, Visions from Heaven, p.208]
“ Understanding of the Holy Spirit and Jesus First Coming [Since the vast majority of the Church is still living in the Old Testament and even the avant garde still is controlled by rebellion they dont recognize] “ will increase . Do not lose hope. I am coming soon”.(eom).
The Babylonian system of evil will collapse like a house of cards ”.
Many are now prophesying these things I’ve been shown for decades-a sign the avant garde is waking up. There will be many suddenlies.
Since this company we are invested in- ZNOG – is an openly Christian company dedicated to blessing Israel on biblical principals of Gen 12:3 etc I present this. I’ve been trying to open the stock communities eyes for 12 years and possibly will be moved on shortly so I hope one person eventually understands what I’ve been saying.
I’ve never seen such a biblical witness in a business meeting, let alone a stockholders meeting, as we saw a few years ago especially by the ZN CEO at that time who brought Rob Dunn in to replace him since Dunn is a 3d specialist etc. The ceo reported many miracles. Miracles have been reported in the Ukraine war also as they were in Israels wars.
Eventually He has to reward such a prevailing uncompromising witness .
I have not been told but its seems reasonable to at least begin to reward ZN with this well in order for ZN to be granted a production lease- to maybe at least recover costs and confirm a reservoir. Otherwise ZN will have to start over w another license and the years of prep that takes and I dont know how ZN will do that at this ridiculously low pps in contraindication of the location of this license and the heavy spiritual warfare re this license.
A longing fulfilled is a tree of life but hope deferred makes the heart sick(Proverbs 13:12). Its not his purpose to make our hearts sick especially as He has given us the desires of our heart if we are obedient. And having done all to stand, stand(Eph 6).
Whats the alternative? We are in a war. Those who give up in a war are destroyed. This time is very brief compared with the rewards in the millenium and eternity.
Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Gal 6:9).
The last 50 plus years we’ve been surrounded by a culture of immediate gratification, which the church has fully participated in since it fell asleep in 1954. Its been ca 68 years since then.
I’ve previously posted a few prophecies notably from elijahlist.com Those live conversations between Steve Schulz and different prophets every day M-F is a new thing. So watch and or read to learn the culture and language of the Church to which we are suppose to belong rather than the culture of the world. We live in the world but we do not belong to the world. The world doesnt know anything good and has nothing to offer and its time is almost over.

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