Why would they bother doing that? Once CWRN starts reporting $100 million in revenues per year, like they are fully capable of at this point, Wolf Street will take notice in a hurry. At $100 million, they can pay a half a cent in dividends/year and still have $20 million left over for expansion and more equipment per year.
On top of that I'm afraid there would be a hell of a fist fight at the shareholders meeting, if they did a reverse of any kind at this early stage, and after the promise of no reverses fron previous management... Get the stock to $2 through revenues and expansion and then do a 5:1 split and uplist if needed. If CWRN was naked shorted, the bad guys need to pay!! I hope all those darth vader want-a-bes at the darkside end up with space crabs, for the intense verbal degradation of this company and its shareholders.
I could see an 80:1 dividend of the private side of the company by taking it public also.. That would tick off shorty even more because they would have no way to make the books come out square.. I think I will mention that to management..