I was asked why there wasnt more trading--
The PR's are really downplaying-just the opposite of what a PR firm would do-as John cm keeps saying. So people are probably trying to digest
plus many dont understand what has been explained before e.g not providing market awareness means no promotions -something they began putting in PR's ever since the cry of newsletter promo when there was none Jan 2011.
Some probably dont understand how profitable this co is because pps is so low and at this pps co's dont even usually have income, let alone net income.
A this pps co's usually are diluting like crazy but CWRN has not diluted since 2010-as noted by Nov 17 PR etc-
and PR's note if people understood that cwrn doesnt have any stock option plans or convertibles or any mechanism to dilute and doesnt need to due to high profit margin high income-esp for this undervalued pps.
ship news is good but people already knew that-crazy Mex govt approach to ore when the problem was illegal south mainland mines run by cartels who werent paying taxes wasnt supposed to affect Baja from everything we had heard before but govt added such a gauntlet of requirements for the extra customs exporters permit-it will get fixed
and I havent been posting pics last 2 days-people need a pic fix-a video generation-so I've asked people to repost pics to show operations and nobody has stepped up despite my giving directions on how to do so.
Have u seen how crowded grocery stores are at beginning of month-well its the end of month.
On most pennystocks I follow and many blue chips also people sell on news waiting for the next roller coaster ride-which I personally think is stupid and illogical-I've seen stocks w excellent earnings news-greatly exceeding what was predicted and yet some will fall on such news-not all such stocks but some.
float has been locked up tight as people wait for the promised uplisting which should send pps thru the roof similar to Jan 2011 and improper class has blocked many new investors for a long time-
so we are waiting for the catalysts such as uplisting that will allow market forces to prevail again