Seel, wanted you to know that I used your info,but not your name, re: how Kevetrin trial can't be considered to be a slam dunk success as still quite a few variables that could screw up the results. I stressed that you had nothing negative to say about the trials so far but you advised caution as to overly optimistic expectations for trials success (as some believed it was 90% or more, me being one of them). I also said you thought the chances for success were as good as could be hoped for with the meticulous preparation that went into the research by Dr M.
I also mentioned how GratefulLife, also a medical professional, was very encouraged with the results to date and how the liver so far seemed to be handling the Kevetrin well.
Hope I didn't misstate any info you gave but wanted those on the other board to realize there were more variables still to be encountered in the trails then many of us unfamiliar with trials realized and things could go wrong, though we are all expecting the best, in later stages of the trials.
Thanks again for the info and thanks also to GL for his input.