I think you are right -name consent was noted by Nev Sec of State ca 11-10-11-so its been in the works since November--
they apparently wanted to PR it before actually changing the name-which is good practice. Change of officers noted 6-8-12.
Remember a B/D resolution at a Nov 2010 BOD meeting authorized the name change,as noted by the applicable portion of the 11-22-10 PR which I posted yesterday.
This may be why website is down on same day at same time as change of name -so they can update the website w the new name- thats the logical deduction.
Guys -pennytraders are the most skittish people on the earth -so it would be a good idea to do a few minutes investigation before shouting things like the website is down-lately its been hard to tell the difference between some longs and bashers in that respect-time after time I've seen shout fires only to discover the answer within minutes- remember how skittish penny traders are- thats why shorters love pennyland.