(Total Views: 541)
Posted On: 12/04/2021 1:24:24 AM
Post# of 32724
Who Gets Bars - Part III (SEC, FTC and FBI Edition)
Oh, Father tell me...
do we get what we deserve?
Whoa, we get what we deserve
And way down we go...
Legally and I say this respectfully...
I am well within my legal rights, as an individual investor, to help the SEC, FTC and FBI ...
Sorry doorbell, hang on...
Where was I?
...to help the SEC, FTC and FBI see the patterns of potential illegal activity and stock fraud across many stocks, which said actions hurt or drive companies out of business on the OTC and Microcap stocks, which said actions results in investors losing everything while the perps profit immensely.
Now most investors suffer from what psychologist call, wet newspaper syndrome
Any mention or recollection of how much money they lost to 'fraudster', they go into cringe mode
You would think they would get mad, eh?
You would think they would want to seek legal justice, eh?
What happens is...
they clam up
What happens is they blame the CEO of the company they invested in
Maybe they didn't know the fraud busters were committing crime until now?
What do they call that?
Fox watching the hen house?
The apathy of investors that lost money is deafening
If is my belief, based on prior conversations...
the SEC, FTC and/or FBI will accelerate their hyper investigation into suspected criminals to bring them to justice.
Well the SEC and FBI will, the FTC is just getting warmed up as I posted
I remember one poster, that some of you may know said, "1 down 10,000 to go"
There is some irony there. That was in refence to tearing down another company.
Is it their belief and those 'club' members that they want to take down every OTC company
Do they think the SEC, FTC and/or FBI will do nothing?
How many fraudsters does the SEC, FTC and/or FBI have to convict of stock fraud before they stop?
Imagine you open up a coffee shop in your neighborhood and people stand in front or post signs or go on nextstore app and say your a crook, cheat, pedophile, etc
Would your business suffer?
Maybe to keep it going you borrow money from some 'outfits' that seem to 'understand' your challenges so lend you some dough to keep it going
But then they get on social media and post
Tick, tick
Faking and baking
Wait until the next lawsuit hits
Today’s scam watch out
Pumpers in full force
The ole gap and trap
Hey o gawd
is one of the biggest frauds of all time
Oh who forgot to delete their tweets, eh?
It's a sport to them. It's a living. They are shooting fish in a barrel since many shits on their hands or don't know how to change things.
I had a dream a while back that I could make a difference
The SEC, FTC or FBI (for the xth time) can use each of the 20 criteria below to score and prioritize their investigations
1.) Have a website
2.) Have a class
3.) Have a club
4.) Fired broker
5.) Never really had a significant job in one's life
6.) Received payment for pumper or shorter
7.) History of posting on message boards
8.) History of moderating message boards
9.) Hung/Hangs around convicted criminals
10.) Care more about the lives of convicted felons than innocent investors
11.) Changes names
12.) Post under multiple identifies
13.) Lives in a fantasy bubble - I drive lambos, I live in Milan, Tattoo is my friend on the island
14.) Thinks they are righteous in tackling fraud by committing fraud
15.) Trades on insider information and leaks from outside the company by 3rd parties
16.) Operates under two sets of rules. One for investors and one for select others.
17.) Alters statistics, search results, follows, etc.
18.) Post false accusations about the company or CEO
19.) Post false information to influence the market (hello Teddie)
20.) Never post a link to actual facts or data to support baseless and wild accusations
The SEC, FTC or FBI (for the 5th time) can weight these and do the risk assessment
X of 20 criteria = High Probability
X of 20 criteria = Medium Probability
X of 20 criteria = Low Probability
This is like inception
So many levels...
On the first level, a 8-hour bashing job is about a week
On the second level, it's six months
On the third, it's 10 years
red, getting too deep. Fire up another one
Hey, oh
Sheets of empty canvas
Untouched damp sheets of 'clay'
That concludes my prepared remarks and tunes
I open the floor for questions
Q: red, you made a lot of acquisitions without any facts. Got any facts to back up your caboose?
A: I have yet to make an ac·cu·sa·tion
a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
At this stage there are 'persons of interest'
Like Teddie
He's a 'person of interest' for the 2x4, chewing gum, I recreated it all, it's so simple 'stunt' that tanked our stock that day
It's up to a jury of Teddie's peers to decide
Q: red, where would the court find 12 most honest jackass peers?
A: Maybe you meant donkeys? Next question please
Q: All these yahoos on iLie give the impression they are there to protect investors but they are only there 9-5 M-F except car wash old man. How do they pay the rent, put food on the table and buy diapers if that is all they do?
A: No clue. I read on the internet that board mod positions might pay well. Link below.
"Janice Shell promotes herself as an "amateur investigator" and "scambuster". She claims to be an art historian living in Milan, Italy. She did write a book or two on art history, but you can bet there were no voluminous sales, and there's no way she's lived off that income, since her last book was 15 years ago or so. What is she doing now? She's a board moderator in IHUB (CMKX board and possibly others). Must pay well."
BTW, the address in 'the letter' to the judge pleading for the convict she never met did wasn't Milan, Italy. Just saying. See #13 above.
Q: Who in their right mind would write what is now known as 'the letter'?
A: Hey, no judgement, yet. But, ahh maybe they did a little bit more. You'd have to pull the court docs, eh? You have to connect the dots too. Found this quote...
"You would think a scambuster would be attacking such an obvious market miscreant tooth and nail, right? Not Janice! She ACTUALLY TESTIFIED AT THE ELGINDY SENTENCING IN AN EFFORT TO MITIGATE HIS PUNISHMENT after he had been proven guilty."
Q: You mentioned changing/shifting names and ID
A: Ummm, why did the DD Support Board and Fraud Research Team change the board name to DD Support Board and Research Team?
Moderator: nodummy
Assistants: janice shell, Renee, surfkast, 1manband, samsamsamiam, TenKay
not bust'n fraud now?
I don't know about you but I'm not feeling any support
The site shut down the only real board there VERBW
Is research defined as attacking companies?
I really thought research as posting DD with links
I'm so confused
Would the name of the board be more appropriate to be called...
"The iLie Support Board and Attack 10,000 companies to make a profit"?
I don't know. I'm just a small time retail investor
Just a guess, eh?
"No job for 20 years but making bank on stupid investors Team"?
"All CEOs suck because I'm a loser Team"?
"We making millions on these dumb bunny investors Team"?
What was it about 'Fraud' that they didn't want to flag the SEC, FBI nor the FTC , eh?
Could it be if you had 'Fraud' in the board name and you were actually committing 'Fraud' that wouldn't go well, eh?
Why does one particular site have rules that allow you to change anything? Does iHang have that? I don't think so.
Although they still have 20 at the top of their most posted that beat feet to get out of here except for the dearly departed bottom caller.
Here's a secret
Shhh don't tell anyone
Technical NT is in the top 1-3 active posters followed on iHang
Technically #1 when you look at post to follow ratio and I think that record will stand forever, but forever is a long time
NT the Barry Sanders, the Gale Sayers, the great guy that my family hung out with multiple times
Follow him here if you want
He is humble as Barry and Gale but equally unstoppable
Don't bother following me. See #17 above.
We each play our hand and the chips fall where they may.
"I don't trade stocks". Yeah right.
It's funny if you go back far enough, you see all the cast of characters in one place.
Q: You spoke about some having sites. Paid sites. Elaborate please?
A: Well you know about Clay's $2500 member site as it is/was advertise all over the board that follows him the most. "The stock might go up. It might go down."
Then you have Ms Piggie
hey just going by the avatar pic. The real isn't as cute.
https://promotionstocksecrets.com/author/ janice-shell /
yeah I know what your are thinking
Was that the crap site Teddie was working on for 9 years?
Looks like shit and turtle slow
Our service started in early 2012 as primarily a research site known as Promotion Stock Secrets. Featuring what many consider to be the top Penny Stock researcher in the world, Nodummy .
Surprised it wasn't
Featuring what everyone considers
Most soft bash post say 'eveyone' blah, blah, blah as they assume they speak for everyone
Are you getting the picture yet of how everything is connected yet?
Janice plays with Nodummy
Tenkay plays with...
All connected
100% short, flipper board
As I've said many times
Everyone has an agenda...
Chances are it's not yours
One again to be clear
My agenda from the beginning
1.) Level the playing field
2.) Support my investments
3.) Have fun
Without the 36 of you...
None of this would be remotely possible
Without NT...
None of this would be remotely possible
I don't take that support lightly
I already saw the outcome without it
I already saw what will be
Did I mention...
I have this...
dream ability
Took me 20 years or so to develop
Was really, really hard
Took me 10 minutes to teach my wife
"Why did you wait 20 years to show me how"
Ahhh, it took me 20 years to learn?
What I don't know is...
If everyone learns how to control their dreams
Wouldn't there be conflicts, eh?
Join my scam dream club for $599/mo to learn how
My dreams actually keep telling me I need to spend time elsewhere to accomplish my 1st goal
Maybe multitask, eh?
SEC, FTC and FBI you have my number
The SEC, FTC and FBI have listening tools like sprinklr only better as sprinklr only listens on the internet and not cell calls
They pick up on works like INSIDER TRADING
Funny story
I never pick up the phone because I get a lot of sales scam calls
One day your dreams tell you to pick up the phone next time
Hello SEC, what took you so 'long'
Here's a riddle for you...
What does red, Janice and nodummy have in common?
I think you got that one
I remember these days..
Oh, Father tell me...
do we get what we deserve?
Whoa, we get what we deserve
And way down we go...
Legally and I say this respectfully...
I am well within my legal rights, as an individual investor, to help the SEC, FTC and FBI ...
Sorry doorbell, hang on...
Where was I?
...to help the SEC, FTC and FBI see the patterns of potential illegal activity and stock fraud across many stocks, which said actions hurt or drive companies out of business on the OTC and Microcap stocks, which said actions results in investors losing everything while the perps profit immensely.
Now most investors suffer from what psychologist call, wet newspaper syndrome
Any mention or recollection of how much money they lost to 'fraudster', they go into cringe mode
You would think they would get mad, eh?
You would think they would want to seek legal justice, eh?
What happens is...
they clam up
What happens is they blame the CEO of the company they invested in
Maybe they didn't know the fraud busters were committing crime until now?
What do they call that?
Fox watching the hen house?
The apathy of investors that lost money is deafening
If is my belief, based on prior conversations...
the SEC, FTC and/or FBI will accelerate their hyper investigation into suspected criminals to bring them to justice.
Well the SEC and FBI will, the FTC is just getting warmed up as I posted
I remember one poster, that some of you may know said, "1 down 10,000 to go"
There is some irony there. That was in refence to tearing down another company.
Is it their belief and those 'club' members that they want to take down every OTC company
Do they think the SEC, FTC and/or FBI will do nothing?
How many fraudsters does the SEC, FTC and/or FBI have to convict of stock fraud before they stop?
Imagine you open up a coffee shop in your neighborhood and people stand in front or post signs or go on nextstore app and say your a crook, cheat, pedophile, etc
Would your business suffer?
Maybe to keep it going you borrow money from some 'outfits' that seem to 'understand' your challenges so lend you some dough to keep it going
But then they get on social media and post
Tick, tick
Faking and baking
Wait until the next lawsuit hits
Today’s scam watch out
Pumpers in full force
The ole gap and trap
Hey o gawd
is one of the biggest frauds of all time
Oh who forgot to delete their tweets, eh?
It's a sport to them. It's a living. They are shooting fish in a barrel since many shits on their hands or don't know how to change things.
I had a dream a while back that I could make a difference
The SEC, FTC or FBI (for the xth time) can use each of the 20 criteria below to score and prioritize their investigations
1.) Have a website
2.) Have a class
3.) Have a club
4.) Fired broker
5.) Never really had a significant job in one's life
6.) Received payment for pumper or shorter
7.) History of posting on message boards
8.) History of moderating message boards
9.) Hung/Hangs around convicted criminals
10.) Care more about the lives of convicted felons than innocent investors
11.) Changes names
12.) Post under multiple identifies
13.) Lives in a fantasy bubble - I drive lambos, I live in Milan, Tattoo is my friend on the island
14.) Thinks they are righteous in tackling fraud by committing fraud
15.) Trades on insider information and leaks from outside the company by 3rd parties
16.) Operates under two sets of rules. One for investors and one for select others.
17.) Alters statistics, search results, follows, etc.
18.) Post false accusations about the company or CEO
19.) Post false information to influence the market (hello Teddie)
20.) Never post a link to actual facts or data to support baseless and wild accusations
The SEC, FTC or FBI (for the 5th time) can weight these and do the risk assessment
X of 20 criteria = High Probability
X of 20 criteria = Medium Probability
X of 20 criteria = Low Probability
This is like inception
So many levels...
On the first level, a 8-hour bashing job is about a week
On the second level, it's six months
On the third, it's 10 years
red, getting too deep. Fire up another one
Hey, oh
Sheets of empty canvas
Untouched damp sheets of 'clay'
That concludes my prepared remarks and tunes
I open the floor for questions
Q: red, you made a lot of acquisitions without any facts. Got any facts to back up your caboose?
A: I have yet to make an ac·cu·sa·tion
a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
At this stage there are 'persons of interest'
Like Teddie
He's a 'person of interest' for the 2x4, chewing gum, I recreated it all, it's so simple 'stunt' that tanked our stock that day
It's up to a jury of Teddie's peers to decide
Q: red, where would the court find 12 most honest jackass peers?
A: Maybe you meant donkeys? Next question please
Q: All these yahoos on iLie give the impression they are there to protect investors but they are only there 9-5 M-F except car wash old man. How do they pay the rent, put food on the table and buy diapers if that is all they do?
A: No clue. I read on the internet that board mod positions might pay well. Link below.
"Janice Shell promotes herself as an "amateur investigator" and "scambuster". She claims to be an art historian living in Milan, Italy. She did write a book or two on art history, but you can bet there were no voluminous sales, and there's no way she's lived off that income, since her last book was 15 years ago or so. What is she doing now? She's a board moderator in IHUB (CMKX board and possibly others). Must pay well."
BTW, the address in 'the letter' to the judge pleading for the convict she never met did wasn't Milan, Italy. Just saying. See #13 above.
Q: Who in their right mind would write what is now known as 'the letter'?
A: Hey, no judgement, yet. But, ahh maybe they did a little bit more. You'd have to pull the court docs, eh? You have to connect the dots too. Found this quote...
"You would think a scambuster would be attacking such an obvious market miscreant tooth and nail, right? Not Janice! She ACTUALLY TESTIFIED AT THE ELGINDY SENTENCING IN AN EFFORT TO MITIGATE HIS PUNISHMENT after he had been proven guilty."
Q: You mentioned changing/shifting names and ID
A: Ummm, why did the DD Support Board and Fraud Research Team change the board name to DD Support Board and Research Team?
Moderator: nodummy
Assistants: janice shell, Renee, surfkast, 1manband, samsamsamiam, TenKay
not bust'n fraud now?
I don't know about you but I'm not feeling any support
The site shut down the only real board there VERBW
Is research defined as attacking companies?
I really thought research as posting DD with links
I'm so confused
Would the name of the board be more appropriate to be called...
"The iLie Support Board and Attack 10,000 companies to make a profit"?
I don't know. I'm just a small time retail investor
Just a guess, eh?
"No job for 20 years but making bank on stupid investors Team"?
"All CEOs suck because I'm a loser Team"?
"We making millions on these dumb bunny investors Team"?
What was it about 'Fraud' that they didn't want to flag the SEC, FBI nor the FTC , eh?
Could it be if you had 'Fraud' in the board name and you were actually committing 'Fraud' that wouldn't go well, eh?
Why does one particular site have rules that allow you to change anything? Does iHang have that? I don't think so.
Although they still have 20 at the top of their most posted that beat feet to get out of here except for the dearly departed bottom caller.
Here's a secret
Shhh don't tell anyone
Technical NT is in the top 1-3 active posters followed on iHang
Technically #1 when you look at post to follow ratio and I think that record will stand forever, but forever is a long time
NT the Barry Sanders, the Gale Sayers, the great guy that my family hung out with multiple times
Follow him here if you want
He is humble as Barry and Gale but equally unstoppable
Don't bother following me. See #17 above.
We each play our hand and the chips fall where they may.
"I don't trade stocks". Yeah right.
It's funny if you go back far enough, you see all the cast of characters in one place.
Q: You spoke about some having sites. Paid sites. Elaborate please?
A: Well you know about Clay's $2500 member site as it is/was advertise all over the board that follows him the most. "The stock might go up. It might go down."
Then you have Ms Piggie
hey just going by the avatar pic. The real isn't as cute.
https://promotionstocksecrets.com/author/ janice-shell /
yeah I know what your are thinking
Was that the crap site Teddie was working on for 9 years?
Looks like shit and turtle slow
Our service started in early 2012 as primarily a research site known as Promotion Stock Secrets. Featuring what many consider to be the top Penny Stock researcher in the world, Nodummy .
Surprised it wasn't
Featuring what everyone considers
Most soft bash post say 'eveyone' blah, blah, blah as they assume they speak for everyone
Are you getting the picture yet of how everything is connected yet?
Janice plays with Nodummy
Tenkay plays with...
All connected
100% short, flipper board
As I've said many times
Everyone has an agenda...
Chances are it's not yours
One again to be clear
My agenda from the beginning
1.) Level the playing field
2.) Support my investments
3.) Have fun
Without the 36 of you...
None of this would be remotely possible
Without NT...
None of this would be remotely possible
I don't take that support lightly
I already saw the outcome without it
I already saw what will be
Did I mention...
I have this...
dream ability
Took me 20 years or so to develop
Was really, really hard
Took me 10 minutes to teach my wife
"Why did you wait 20 years to show me how"
Ahhh, it took me 20 years to learn?
What I don't know is...
If everyone learns how to control their dreams
Wouldn't there be conflicts, eh?
Join my scam dream club for $599/mo to learn how
My dreams actually keep telling me I need to spend time elsewhere to accomplish my 1st goal
Maybe multitask, eh?
SEC, FTC and FBI you have my number
The SEC, FTC and FBI have listening tools like sprinklr only better as sprinklr only listens on the internet and not cell calls
They pick up on works like INSIDER TRADING
Funny story
I never pick up the phone because I get a lot of sales scam calls
One day your dreams tell you to pick up the phone next time
Hello SEC, what took you so 'long'
Here's a riddle for you...
What does red, Janice and nodummy have in common?
I think you got that one
I remember these days..
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