$DSMTF News! High Court of Namibia Orders the Ministry of Mines to File Further Documents with the Court no Later than November 18, 2021
VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Deep-South Resources Inc. ("Deep-South" or "the Company"

(TSXV: DSM) reports that at the Court hearing on November, 11, 2021, the legal counsel of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia ("Ministry"

requested an additional week to complete its filing of the documents supporting the decision of the Minister to refuse the Haib Copper licence renewal. The High Court of Namibia granted the Ministry the requested time to complete the filing. Deep-South's legal counsel will have ten court days to review the documents of the Ministry and decide if the Applicant Haib Minerals (Deep-South's fully owned subsidiary) will supplement its affidavit and supporting documents. Furthermore, Haib Minerals legal counsel in a status report also requested the court to issue an Order to facilitate a fair and expeditious determination of the Haib Minerals original application to review the decision of the Minister.