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Posted On: 11/07/2021 7:20:36 PM
Post# of 124447
The Election Integrity Battle Will Determine the Fate of America
Irony of ironies! American sovereignty is rapidly collapsing not because foreign powers have attacked us, but because a domestic Socialist regime has been not-so-quietly at work behind the scenes, dismantling our stable fabric that has long supported a free republic. Beyond doubt, the strongest fibers in that fabric is a free and trusted election system. That’s why we’re losing the war on liberty. In-house insurgents have already condemned our way of life. The evidence is ever before us now.
Of course, open borders will eventually destroy a nation. So will censorship and loss of free speech. Indoctrination of our children with critical race theory sets the stage for acceptance of a Marxist agenda that is vital to nullifying our Constitution. Sissifying our military invites an attack from a foreign aggressor when the time is right. But if a nation loses its ability to elect its own officials to represent the will of the people, all is immediately lost. This is no time for cognitive dissonance. Let there be no conflict or confusion about what took place in the 2020 election: our vote was stolen by Communist-minded Democrats who carefully schemed and carried out this act of treason against the American people. Your vote didn’t count. The highest seat of power in the world was snatched from President Trump and from we who elected him. Since November 3, 2020, America has been no longer a free republic.
Many Americans now mourn as the death knell tolls, but take heart! Our fate is not yet sealed. The sleeping giant is now awakening and will likely be more alert and determined than ever before to end the tyranny once and for all. Keepers of the gate across the land are still doing their duty. They have shouted, “Something is wrong!” Watchmen have blown the trumpets, crying out, “Wake up!” Our vigilance must not fail at a time when the enemy of our nation is striking at America’s most vital organ. The enemy is aware of this awakening, and surely they are already planning their next assault. In truth, they fear us. We need only to recognize their strategy, and then counter it with a lethal punch. What is that strategy?
Look at what has just taken place in the 2021 elections. Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race. Great news! This gave hope to many Conservatives that America may be on the way to achieving a House and Senate majority—a goal essential to restoring a free America.
What happened in New Jersey? Democrat Governor Phil Murphy just barely eked out a victory to retain his seat against Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli, while Democrat Steve Sweeney, a well-grounded State Senate President, lost re-election to a Republican novice truck driver Edward Durr who spent only $153 on the GOP campaign. Many Conservatives view the close race between Murphy and Ciattarelli as a victory, despite the Democrat win. Think again.
Yes, we who love America were all pleased that the projected landslide victor Murphy won only by a hair. But was it a hair? Here’s what we know. First, Republicans got out there and voted, while Democrats may have voted with less zeal than Republicans, thinking the cat was in the bag. The Biden administration really is destroying America in breakneck time, and that does have its effect at the polls. As this marginal victory is discussed by CNN, NBC, and other mainstream media, you’ll hear all kinds of excuses to explain the close race. What you will not hear is any suggestion of voter fraud, despite the fact that 56 voting machines somehow “went down” without votes being tallied. What does that mean? We may soon find out. Consider the possibility that Ciattarelli actually won the election. The message is this: we have not yet achieved voter integrity.
All eyes are on Arizona right now as voter fraud is under intense scrutiny via the election audit. The evidence is now before us, and criminal election fraud has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. The evidence is still being gathered, and the picture only grows dimmer. Having just attended the election integrity rally for governor nominee Kari Lake in Arizona on November 3, 2021, I was truly inspired by messages from grassroots patriots who initiated the audit, and by other great leaders including Kelli Ward, Sen. Wendy Rogers, and Kari Lake. This group of warriors has inspired many other states to investigate voter fraud. In Wisconsin, the picture is no better than Arizona. In fact, all 72 counties have been implicated in a massive crime scheme. In Racine County alone, some 4000 voters were at least 121 years old. That’s just the beginning of “irregularities.” And what happened in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and likely all other of the 50 states has yet to be revealed. What we do know is that the “like-a-toilet” installed President Joe Biden was an act of treason. President Trump won the 2020 election! If our nation’s founding fathers still walked among us, criminals would be swinging from ropes, and these sinister insurgent leaders would have met their Maker by now. Yet some Americans still doubt the reality of a robbed election, incredulous as that may seem. Some Americans still do not understand that America is at war.
Is the American patriot spirit gone? Hardly. Fear has quieted many a weak-minded, cowardly folk; but the once touted Home of the Brave still harbors many soldiers with a fighting spirit. We will take back our land and our freedom. By the grace and will of God, if we restore the Christian faith and our ever-true Christian standard, the Bible, to its central place, we shall defeat this diabolical enemy called the Democrat. Satan’s minions will be swiftly destroyed if only Americans will beseech our Lord in prayer, re-establish the Christian Way, and teach our children all they have not been taught in schools (and perhaps at home) for decades: honor, kindness, trustworthiness, godliness, integrity, justice; and let’s not forget American history.
You who still think the COVID-19 pandemic was not an instrument of war to destroy the giant while she slept, wake up! It’s time to toss the mask of shame, to open your eyes, and see the violence of this war that has already killed many thousands of Americans.
Voter fraud has been with us for decades, yet we haven’t seen it—or at least declared it—until now, until an elected President of the United States of America was wretchedly canceled right under our own collective eyes. We were blind, but now we see. And now we must act to conquer this domestic enemy. We mustn’t just resist the beast. Nor should we merely cage the beast by holding the line. No, we must wholly slay this beast attacking America so that it can arise no more to torment us and our offspring!
Let us all who consider ourselves true Americans take a survey of our hearts and see if there is any deceit in our own lives. Let us inventory our own homes and our own souls. With all diligence, we must arm ourselves to fight this pervasive darkness that now threatens our very existence. It’s time for repentance from our insipid blindness and inaction. We have a war to win, and the decisive battle is surely election integrity. Fight it! If you have personal knowledge of voter fraud, report it to your local sheriff. Shout it on the hilltops. Satan be damned! This is America! We are one nation under God, or no nation at all. I hope to see you at the battlefront. I’m already there!
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