Calm before the spike? RFMK can be a real roller coaster ride in sub-penny land. It is key to not recognize the illusion of loss when red, and to know what gains to hold for as fall approaches.
I see a team forming here with the effort at the Cup. There only task is too market and sell the smallest newest vaporizer, and they are the best people for the job. I see evidence that Cheryl, Judah and Tom have what it takes to make decisions, even if they include raising easy capitol, they are getting chit done.
I am convinced that The VI 's are going to get great distribution agreements and eventually global sales. The PP and PPP are going to make VI's an actual product line by August, IMO.
The scary part is not knowing how much more capitol we need to continue until sustainable.
We need a PR on Funding and Dilution, just to get a reading.
I am happy tho, I just saw the multi-faceted RFMK Team pull off a serious and large booth at the High Time Med Cannabis Cup. NO lies, Results, but a little more transparency is always nice.
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