SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!! You have to be kidding!!! 95% or more of sharehoders on the Pinkies say hurry up and get a product. Hurry up and start to promote. I don't know how many pinkies I have been in that said they were going to a trade show but never made it. Then the company went under. Hell NO don't slow down. The only ones that want this company to slow down and are worried about dilution are the ones that want to flip this stock and move on!!!! I don't care if dilution is bringing the PPS down some. Although I think it is someone and something else that is doing it. We Now have a PRODUCT. We now have people PROMOTING RFMK. We got great exsposure at the HT Cup because we were a SPONSOR. All this takes Money. The Longs realize this. Just the People that want the fast BUCK don't or they do but just don't care!!!!! If we need to sell stock to get more Product and Advertising out . Then do it. There is a smart way to dilute. The company has done it.You need Money to get a Pinkie going. 5 Months is nothing for a company to get going. Check with the MMs and their Bashers if you want to know why the PPS keeps going down. Don't tell me when a PR comes out serveral times and there is hardly any volume the PPS goes down and they call it dilution. NO WAY!!!!