We all worry about p21 tests coming back positive. We have been told the PKK looks good, we have been told the trials data to date appears to be mirroring the pre clinical trials data, we see the toxicity to date has been just as expected ... My question to anyone with more biological background than me or polka dot with her chemistry background, HOW COULD P21 RESULTS NOT BE POSITIVE? Based on how Kevetrin works per Dr M, how could Kevetrin work differently in human cells as opposed to animal cells especially in light of all other factors appearing to mirror one another? If you put bleach in your wash to remove stains, why would you believe for the same type of stains (cancer) it would work in one shirt and not another?
I just don't see how Kevetrin's mode of action could change so that p53 activation does not occur in human cells.
IMO that is why Dr M is so confident. He knows a leopard cannot change it's spots and Kevetrin's mode of action MUST work the same way in one cell as it has shown it does in all other cells.
Disclaimer: I have no background whatsoever in medical, biological, or chemical research so above may be incorrect but I personally believe that is why the final trial results SHOULD BE, not could be, considered at this time pretty much a given success.
IMO trial uncertainty is pretty much a miniscule factor and I would rate probability of success as greater than 95%.
I am running a poll on the other board to see where people stand as to expectations at this time for trials success. Anyone wishing to participate send me a PM if you would like to keep your estimate secret. I will post the range, median, and average. Have had a somewhat small sample to date (5) and the results so far show a lot of confidence in K.