Am a little PUZZLED by not just your post but others as far a investing in CTIX and other stocks as well. A number of posters here were in CTIX when I FRIST was introduced to CTIX months back in the .67 area. Reason WHY I am puzzled may be simply because of the way I look at investing and especially cases like CTIX were one could get in early for a good run when it still was below a BUCK. Currently it still is EARLY to get in if you are thinking LONGER TERM, min 6 months but a year or more is better. While I have no crystal ball to guide me the DD on CTIX and following it (no matter the recent swings) tell me the PPS is going higher. With that position of understanding it behoves me (even if my FRIST BUY on CTIX is this MONDAY) to aquire shares of CIX as a HOLD NOW as best I can and in time as long as all is going as planned to sell when the time is right to get my base back and go to sleep holding a "FREE ON BOARD" position. That does not mean SELL as soon as one hits a 100% or 200% paper gain spot but to you ones head as to what is going on at the time. Like another QUIET PERIOD or BIG hint of another BEAR RAID etc etc.
Now if you want to PICK a PPS dollar number of $4 before an expected pullback - FINE - your SWAG is as good as anyone else for now. So with that as a PLAN buy some NOW/SOON and sell half at that target (with a time frame , or event frame) when reached. Be open to adjust that plan as news/events/ time passes. INVESTING does require one to adjust to the market to PROTECT oneself , even if YOU and everyone else thinks an XYZ stock your holding is going TO THE MOON. It may but there are no guantees. In a NUTSHELL take your RISK out at some point - each of us has to decide what that point is for ourselves.