I'm guessing that's what a flipper, short or swing trader might do in addition to being savvy of technicals, DD, etc.(?). I'm beginning to pay as close or closer attention to posters/post histories as much or more than the actual stocks. But to deny that preserving one's capital isn't key, is making a critical investing mistake, IMO. It's one I've learned the hard way. I'm sure many of us have done the same. And we all probably have invested in that infamous "life changer." I remain steadfast that this is one of those rare investments. OTC's and especially the lower tiers are a battleground, irrespective of company legitimacy. JMO. GLTA! $HLNT
Even the pumper (which I have thanked for their contribution ina the past) then will turn and starting heavy bashing, then after a given time come back and be in complete love with HLNT. Head spinning!