This board and site does not censor and delete posts like the "other" one, in order to control the line of reasoning, questions and answers, opinions and thoughts about the stock and company.
I think any negative point and any positive point can be brought up at any time in any context, however I imagine constant negativity and personally bashing the spokesperson or CEO of the company will not be tolerated by admins here, "JMHO".
I think we can all answer simple questions with our knowledge and opinions of the company and industry, however, in my opinion, no one should have the faulty assumption that we will all answer every question and effectively do others DD for them. I think we all have a basic understanding of what this company sells, what business it is in and how it is going to make its money. Who knows why a particular person in a random state would want to or would not want to buy the product. I have no idea about that and I bet that others here do not know either.
Suffice it to say, we can clear the air, by pointing out a simple distinction between the products. The CannaCig device itself can be purchased from any state ONLINE. Why? Because it is a vaping product which allows the consumer to vape anything he/she wants, anywhere. The CannaCig device can also be purchased at dispensaries like OHM, etc. Now, the PIRD extract is what is controlled. That product as well as other oils and extracts which will probably be used in many of the devices can only be purchased in MMJ states and by consumers which have an MMJ license. Now we also are not stupid, we know that those who purchase the device online and have it sent to non-MMJ states may wind up making their own oils and extracts to put into the device, however this has nothing to do with the company. If individuals in non-MMJ states possess MJ extracts or plant material and use them in the CannaCig device then I imagine it has nothing to do with the company or product, that would be a case wherein a consumer was breaking the state law by his/her own accord. Let us just really confront and address this skepticism right away. Furthermore, the federal MJ laws are already in conflict with current MMJ state laws, so any concerns or skepticism about the illegality of selling the product to even those in MMJ states with MMJ licenses is a moot point because it would be akin to arguing that rolling papers sold for the sole purpose of rolling up an MJ joint (picture of MJ leaf on carton and associated marketing) would be under legal scrutiny by the Feds and this is utterly ridiluculous "nonsense". The MMJ states have protection against the conflicting federal MJ laws and these points have been debated over and over. There is legal cover for dispensaries selling the oil, extracts and PIRD and as for the CannaCig, it can be used for vaping "whatever you want". So I would consider this line of reasoning closed.