Why ask "why"? Why would I want to answer why you think other posts are off-topic? Is this post off-topic? Why would I want to answer off-topic posts discussing posts that are allegedly off-topic? Why would anyone answer why other posts talk about the "other" board and the posters there if it is off-topic? Why would they want to? Why would you want to? Why would I want to? Why does a woodchuck chuck wood if a woodchuck would chuck what a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
We are all searching for something aren't we? Some truth, some justice, some answers, some answers to rhetorical questions so they can continue their meaningless rants which offer no insight, clarity, speculation, opinion, value, knowledge, new information or industry related updates on the RFMK story. This is a board and site where all the games are over, it all ends here and now. Period.
Waahhhh, I feel threatened, perhaps its time for a law suit or two?! Sue everybody.