True-I have pushed for published financials for a long time-every time it seemed like they would release them there seemed to be another event to stop it -like the improper class- shorters dont want financials. I listed 3 possible reasons for delay at this time but over time all those reasons lose validity.
E.g. our resident auditor said CWRN could not record revenue from ore paid for in Dec until Bao had actual physical possession-which Bao obtained for ca 43800 tons ca June 10-15.
Probable NDA w Bao- which would be SOP- as I've mentioned I have seen reported in other companies 10q's that financials were being withheld during a NDA period where a relationship was being formed w another co-in that case its Bao who wouldnt want competitors to know about Baja or CWRN. However Bao let some relationship be known for the 1st time in April 13 PR.
So I hope financials are coming soon-published financials are part of the responsibility of a public company-especially when some broker restrictions are due to lack of the same and the shorters etc use the situation to their advantage. I brought this to their attention multiple times and recently asked if others had -and sunny-see his recent post on that -said he had brought it to their attention also. Sunny also had a deliverable email to shirley.