It's amazing how many private messages
I have received on this question.. There are
alot of folks that have been on this board (lots) and
offered answers for the plywood
However, as Yoda and BB pointed out, the way
I worded the question could and should have been more clear
and therefore left openings for multiple answers assuming how each person may
have read it. I now must stand corrected...and am humbled by greatness...
as it looks like there is only one clear answer according to the way the question
was asked..
The question was ...
What is the biggest circle you can cut out of a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood?
The answer??
A 4' x 8' circle other wise known as an Elliptical Cricle
Sillyboy?? I stand corrected sir... You are correct
Shame Shame Shame Howie lol