Well Well Well...You and my other contractor
buddy are correct. However according to the Great state
of Florida Your a failure...lol
You see My dear fritz your way is the way some or most of
us contractors figure slabs when we pour them. BUT...
as Im sure my contractor buddy can attest to when taking these exams
testing requirements dictate the
exact amount be the correct answer..no overages or field smarts or
even common since thinking allowed
and thus because of this (exact amount) requirement
your answer is wrong... Your answer would have been included
in the multiple choice to throw you off.
The correct answer is
Length in feet x Width in feet x Depth in inches (which equals cubic yards) divided by 27 = total yds.
100' x 16' x 4'' convert inches to to decimal (4/12=.33) /27 = total yards
100' x 16 x .33 / 27 = 19.56 total yds. I would order 20 plus... Im wasteful lol