"One" post and admittedly having a little devilish fun.. I thought the post about Levs buying Cheryl's Ferrari for her, was rather funny. FYI, I've completely backed off of Cheryl in all of my more recent posts, if you haven't noticed. It took me a while, but I finaly did come to recognize that it was Cheryl's efforts that have sustained any level of value in RFMK's stock, and NOT the actions of Mr. Allinder.
Y'all know I was a Mod over at the other place.. it became so ridiculous because of a completely "Biased" mod.. so I resigned myself from being a Mod. I now fight to have my removed RFMK posts restored through admin.. I actually took the responsibility of being an "Unbiased" Mod quite seriously.
I define my own purpose and you, "Hector", are certainly entitled to your own perceptions!
Have a Great Weekend Hector.
p.s. I'll take "dude" as a compliment.. Thanks!