Think about it-using logic in the hostile environment of the raiders,whom we know are now aware of this site, Bob was busy w shipment and the transition to Shirley as Pres until June 14. Ship left ca June 15.
Until resolution of the complaints,as noted by official docs, Bob has turned matters over to Shirley and Sharon etc, pictured below w Bob. Shirley has to get her feet wet in her new role. In a transition of this sort under sudden circumstances how long does it take to issue a PR-not likely in the 1st week of the transition, especially if its going to be a comprehensive PR-covering multiple issues.
Logically this PR would be more difficult to compose than others-what to say about the complaint situation-info may have to be vetted w Bob's individual counsel and the companies counsel,and possibly Bao. Anytime anything is done by committee,speaking of the coming presumed PR, ALWAYS takes much longer.
What if anything will Bao be willing to say further about their intentions since they 1st allowed their involvement to be noted in a PR in the Apr 13 PR.
Raiders,using the shorters handbook, have, as usual, issued threats to attempt to silence their opposition so they can monopolize opinion and capture people, e.g. citing FD. What IF the company was taking that into consideration.
The problem, as always, is the good guys usually arent even in the game and dont even know there is a game-even when the game has been explained to them repeatedly, and cant even remember these are considerations you have to take into account. I have asked people to help me out by re-posting pics on ihub Rocket and I have posted,since I can guarantee I work longer hours than any of you in representing scores of millions of people-and has anybody responded to such calls? I dont work for the company and dont get paid for this.
Now, will the good guys remember any of this for once???? The bad guys will-they will dissect it,consult w their spirit guides,run it through higher counsel and use it to adjust their game plan, while the good guys, if history is any basis,will not remember nor even understand-do you see the problem? Do the good guys even have a plan?
Bob does care about the stockholders-he spent scores of hours following up on previous issues I forwarded to him from stockholders-though they were perfectly free to email Bob as many have done,because Bob is 1 of few CEO's who has actually responded to shareholder concerns. Remember the Nov 17 PR produced on demand in less than 24 hours-and what did stockholders do? They largely complained because it didnt contain the big button issues they wanted because those issues werent ready for a PR and depended on outside parties like Bao.
Read my past posts. The coordinated attack on pennies by otc/dtc/shorters/mm's/brokers etc perfect storm that occurred in the last year or so in pennies has never occurred before and was predicted by nobody and took scores of hours to learn about and understand so as usual the answers could be handed on a silver platter to those who cant remember or understand. It has been like hitting an erractic moving target.
Since there were no easy answers/solutions to those games,Bob decided the best thing he could do for stockholders was to grow operations (and I assume they are proceeding for some type of uplisting) and they have dramatically grown operations like no junior I've ever seen.
Unlike most pennies you can email the company w your concerns-and I would encourage you to do so in a reasoned well thought out manner,and post on ihub,as per ihub rules,which I have posted before, and repost pics (can use my explanations in my posts re pics etc) to keep peoples eyes on operations,which except for Bobs temporary occupation elsewhere, are proceeding as usual.