MattySimone - I agree. Actually after I saw the pic of the CannaCig tent I was impressed with what appears to be a very high level of interest. Look at the lounge section, many people there just hanging out and probably toking on the CannaCig becoming loyal customers before our very eyes! Its happening and its happening right now! Look, there is even a LINE that developed behind what looks to be the sales counter!! I mean, if folks are actually LINING UP to purchase these CannaCigs, then I think all of us investors have literally hit the MOTHER LOAD here with RFMK!
Many just focus on sales of CannaCigs, and that is the main revenue driver, however we cannot and should not forget about all the repeat sales that could happen with P.I.R.D. sales and the revenue that is brought in based on the cut that RFMK gets from OHM, etc. The revenue sharing is really going to add up over time for RFMK and a start up business can do A LOT with steady income over time coming in, even if its small or starts out small, over time those steady incoming revenues can really allow a start up company to sink its teeth into operations and have the capacity to expand the business. It looks like this is the beginning and we are witnessing the start of huge growth for RFMK! Also, who knows what all big shots could be there browsing the tents and talking with our industry professionals like Cheryl and Judah, getting an earfull of all the potential lucrative business avenues for growth. Its all very exciting!
The stock is just a joke among the financial community right now, it is completely disjoint from what is going on fundamentally with the company and we all know it. Its easy for the big bullies with total financial control of the markets to beat up the puny nerd at school, but eventually that little geek turns into Bill Gates who probably now rolls around with an entourage. I think once the little RFMK stock can get a larger following and eventually get larger backers, the bigger money will come into the stock and there will be bid support. For now the stock is simply in a no mans land of artificial volume and price points of MMs and day traders who care nothing about the real company or at what cost basis they are buying, selling, shorting and covering. Time will tell, but with revenues and eventual bid support, even perhaps on a better exchange, the stock I think could perform quite well. Its that simple.