The share price traded between:
$0.0003-$0.0006 in December when there was no STOP sign
$0.0003-$0.0005 in January when there was a STOP sign (except for 200k shares at $0.0002)
$0.0004 - $0.0007 in February when there was a STOP sign
The share price movement has nothing to do with the STOP sign, and as a matter of fact appreciated with it. Maybe there's been less volume, but volume doesn't mean the share price will automatically trade higher.
You know all the great and not so great things that have happened over the past year. They've been PR'd until recently.
I explained many times, I agree that reporting should be in a timely manner.
Q. What if Matt released fins that were a pile of crap in a timely manner? Would they be any better than delayed fins that were full of good material news? The questions are rhetorical. No-one needs to answer.