That's news? Looks like a rerun of a previous fluff PR. But Marc dropped the "BOSTON" location and is finally acknowledging that GDSM is located in Florida!
So Marc is still working to resolve claims (debts) from the failed produce company, the mysterious note and he is selecting new managers! Not one concrete revelation or fact that can be verified. Not even a update on the progress on the up list!
Nothing about the fact that the Azurite is now claimed by Mission Mining.
Looks like GDSM is dead and Marc is preparing to launch another new scam. Wonder if Paul Lovito will be returning as part of "management".
We know GDSM is nothing but a one man operation with Michelle working to keep the records and books. Extremely difficult job since GDSM has not had a single business transaction in 2012 other than have WSRA sell 4M of those 15-1 convertible shares.
Looks like Marc needed to get the PPS up so he could dump his normal 25 to 50M shares to pay off that produce company loan.