PennyAnte, I don't know for sure, but I would imagine that since THC Scientific was the entity who submitted the trademark application it is likely they who are filing for an extension so they can possibly oppose perhaps a preliminary decision by the trademark office denying the application. Just a guess. Unless one has first hand knowledge of THC Scientifics back office business, I doubt anyone can really know for sure what is going on with their application; only they are in contact with the trademark office and those back and forth documentations are probably private, for now. IMO the status change does not look good for their application but IMO it was always doomed to failure, we all knew it was just posturing by the company in order to possibly give RFMK legal hassles but Cheryl was pointing out back in summer 2012 when they applied for the trademark that it would back-fire and all they would wind up doing is shooting themselves in the foot with legal hassles placed upon themselves. Remember, the details of a trademark application are such that you cannot intentionally attempt a trademark knowing full well that there is another business already using the brand name. Tsk tsk. Oh well, KARMA, I guess, right? LOL