SDVI .0002 New Reader Rabbit App Ranks Highly on.Sales.Charts.for.iPad/iPhone/iPod
Reader Rabbit Is a Hit for the iPad(R) Generation of Youngsters
Signature Devices Offers Dedicated Sales Web Sites and.Exclusive.Software.Titles http://www.graffitiplay.com/
"Our SDVI sales distributors will earn up to $5 (U.S.) for each title sold, and our median
sales goals are 30,000 titles per rep per year, or earnings to each rep of about $150,000...
United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, Spain and all European countries, and South American
countries are among the regions where SDVI will entertain distributor inquiries. In addition to handling
incoming orders from independent retailers, SDVI will create a special sales site for each rep in the
appropriate language of their country. They will be regional mirror sites of http://www.GraffitiPlay.com