(Total Views: 461)
Posted On: 07/19/2021 7:08:09 AM
Post# of 8095

Time to re-post this GEM-thought:
Posted On: 07/04/2021 12:45:32 PM
Posted By: WBeacham
Are we there yet ?
No, not yet, but getting really, really close.
For the 2nd qtr 2021 it looks like we have a 3-fold increase in revenue from 1st qtr 2021, at a minimum (TAZZER, post #269042 on i-flub). This is coming on the heels of "... Q4 2020 revenue exceeded $519,000; an increase of 241% when compared to Q3 2020 revenue of ($151,956) aaaannnd reread this ... https://www.bielcorp.com/bioelectronics-corpo...forecasts/.
As Srinsocal (on i-flub, post #269087) has pointed out, this does not include any shipments to the Rest-of-the-World (ROW), eg - Europe & Asia. The CE Mark was re-certified on 12 Nov 2020, opening up sales to 33+ countries in Europe alone. It also obtained MDSAP certification in Q1 2021, which allows for product distribution in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
I reckon we get an update on the current situation in the week of 12 July, at the latest (11 days b4 the Olympics), however don't be surprised if it comes sooner. Or maybe some actual news, in addition to an update?!?!?! I am presuming these 2nd qtr 2021 revenue #'s (US & ROW) will make us profitable for the first time. The only thing better than that would be insurance coverage but all good things come to those who wait, right? Investors w/ any sense will want in on this in a very big way. Well, maybe not the 40 cent crowd, BBwwwaaaahaaahaaaaa !!!
Big Pharma (BP) has long arms, deep pockets, a nasty temper and is well-connected. They don't tolerate nor have any patience with upstarts or new-fangled gadgets that don't fit into their agenda (lots of examples). Like it or not, believe it or not, the FDA, in all of its self-imposed officialdom, is a wholly-owned subsidary of Big Pharma. It was created, in the first place, to act as an official cover for their drug concoctions; to give them an imprimatur of legitimacy. There is nobody who wants to believe otherwise more than myself. Look at who has headed the agency from day one to get verification or at the many of the so-called 'scandals' spanning decades. There are few, if any, 'mistakes' or 'poor decision-making'. The current opioid crisis is a prime example.
The medical field is loathe to innovation (again, lots of examples) unless it involves more pharmaceuticals, expensive surgeries, and more drugs, that's a given. The AMA took care of that decades ago with their decision to limit medical care to pills and surgery w/ few exceptions. Look up Morris Fishbein for an education. Not Wikipedia, dig a little deeper. As the saying goes - the truth is out there ... hint: it is well camouflaged and buried. The very same goes for the vaccine industry which has one of the most sordid histories one could ever imagine.
The point in bringing up all this unpleasant history is to put forth, perhaps, a more plausible backstory to our full body musculo-skeletal clearance. It would not have happened unless Big Pharma gave us, in the very least, a head nod, for it to go forward. Think of it as the 'Capo dei Capi' sanctioning, giving permission, so to speak, for it to proceed. Even gangsters can read the handwriting on the wall, to profit from societal trends. This 'go-ahead' has opened up everything and makes all things possibe going forward. In other words, we are on our way. Yes, I am including the real possibility of a buyout; post-profit and post-insurance coverage, of course.
If the decision had been made on the merits of the science and tech alone, we would have been cleared ten (10) yrs earlier, as it was in Canada. I mean, honestly, we got turned down b/c it worked better on one gender vs the other ??? It'd be laughable if it weren't so tragic. In today's world, that kind of malicious folderol passes for science. The ugly truth is BP had not made enough blood money on their opioid products. Opioid comes from Opium (ref: heroin). They knew all along, right from the gitgo, what they were doing.
Andy Whelan gave his life for (t)his company; that's commitment. He knew what so many of us now know. PEMF, and all of its' derivative technologies, is the future of medicine. Having the ability to 'see' the future in any given endeavor is the key to success. Our Founder, Andy, is still with us in spirit and enjoying every moment of it. His daughter, Kelly, our CEO, is soldiering on, doing all she can to further and enhance his legacy. Of this I have no doubt whatsoever, despite the ranting and raving of a few malcontents, nevermind their suspect motivations.
Electro-Magnetism (E/M) is THE key to everything. The Powers-That-Be w/in the BP community have known for decades the beneficial effect E/M has on the human body, including the brain. Actipatch (vibrational therapy) is but one example as are acupuncture, infrared saunas, and yoga. Western medicine, doled out to the masses that is, has always looked to overcome and conquer the body w/ drugs and surgery for obscene profits and marginal results. Far better to work with the body's own defenses and neural networks. Healthier outcomes, less disease & discomfort. Electroceuticals is the new paradigm and BP knows it better than most. Medical companies investing 100s of millions, all within about 5 yrs, is not a random event.
" ... Electroceuticals — The Next Billion Dollar Bioelectric Market
Electroceuticals are an exciting new area of therapeutics being pioneered by a growing list of companies. This rapidly growing market is projected to reach USD 33.14 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 7.67% according to Kenneth Research.
As Time Magazine speculates, “Even with the still rudimentary efforts at stimulating some of the larger nerves in the body to treat, for example, headaches and chronic pain, financial analysts expect the market to reach $7 billion by 2025... "
Chakras, meridian lines, energy clusters, Hinduism third eye are concepts elusive to grasp. But we inflate a football with air we cannot see. So the air doesn't exist? We choose to believe one but not the others. How does acupuncture work? Should you decide to investigate E/M (inside and outside the human body) you will discover some very interesting info that could potentially rock your foundation to the core. Or is Plato's Cave your permanent home?
"The future belongs to those who recognize opportunities before they become obvious" - Oscar Wilde. We are the right company with the right e/m products in the right place at the right time. It is about to become very, very obvious.
I'm liking our chances - WBeacham
Posted On: 07/04/2021 12:45:32 PM
Posted By: WBeacham
Are we there yet ?
No, not yet, but getting really, really close.
For the 2nd qtr 2021 it looks like we have a 3-fold increase in revenue from 1st qtr 2021, at a minimum (TAZZER, post #269042 on i-flub). This is coming on the heels of "... Q4 2020 revenue exceeded $519,000; an increase of 241% when compared to Q3 2020 revenue of ($151,956) aaaannnd reread this ... https://www.bielcorp.com/bioelectronics-corpo...forecasts/.
As Srinsocal (on i-flub, post #269087) has pointed out, this does not include any shipments to the Rest-of-the-World (ROW), eg - Europe & Asia. The CE Mark was re-certified on 12 Nov 2020, opening up sales to 33+ countries in Europe alone. It also obtained MDSAP certification in Q1 2021, which allows for product distribution in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
I reckon we get an update on the current situation in the week of 12 July, at the latest (11 days b4 the Olympics), however don't be surprised if it comes sooner. Or maybe some actual news, in addition to an update?!?!?! I am presuming these 2nd qtr 2021 revenue #'s (US & ROW) will make us profitable for the first time. The only thing better than that would be insurance coverage but all good things come to those who wait, right? Investors w/ any sense will want in on this in a very big way. Well, maybe not the 40 cent crowd, BBwwwaaaahaaahaaaaa !!!
Big Pharma (BP) has long arms, deep pockets, a nasty temper and is well-connected. They don't tolerate nor have any patience with upstarts or new-fangled gadgets that don't fit into their agenda (lots of examples). Like it or not, believe it or not, the FDA, in all of its self-imposed officialdom, is a wholly-owned subsidary of Big Pharma. It was created, in the first place, to act as an official cover for their drug concoctions; to give them an imprimatur of legitimacy. There is nobody who wants to believe otherwise more than myself. Look at who has headed the agency from day one to get verification or at the many of the so-called 'scandals' spanning decades. There are few, if any, 'mistakes' or 'poor decision-making'. The current opioid crisis is a prime example.
The medical field is loathe to innovation (again, lots of examples) unless it involves more pharmaceuticals, expensive surgeries, and more drugs, that's a given. The AMA took care of that decades ago with their decision to limit medical care to pills and surgery w/ few exceptions. Look up Morris Fishbein for an education. Not Wikipedia, dig a little deeper. As the saying goes - the truth is out there ... hint: it is well camouflaged and buried. The very same goes for the vaccine industry which has one of the most sordid histories one could ever imagine.
The point in bringing up all this unpleasant history is to put forth, perhaps, a more plausible backstory to our full body musculo-skeletal clearance. It would not have happened unless Big Pharma gave us, in the very least, a head nod, for it to go forward. Think of it as the 'Capo dei Capi' sanctioning, giving permission, so to speak, for it to proceed. Even gangsters can read the handwriting on the wall, to profit from societal trends. This 'go-ahead' has opened up everything and makes all things possibe going forward. In other words, we are on our way. Yes, I am including the real possibility of a buyout; post-profit and post-insurance coverage, of course.
If the decision had been made on the merits of the science and tech alone, we would have been cleared ten (10) yrs earlier, as it was in Canada. I mean, honestly, we got turned down b/c it worked better on one gender vs the other ??? It'd be laughable if it weren't so tragic. In today's world, that kind of malicious folderol passes for science. The ugly truth is BP had not made enough blood money on their opioid products. Opioid comes from Opium (ref: heroin). They knew all along, right from the gitgo, what they were doing.
Andy Whelan gave his life for (t)his company; that's commitment. He knew what so many of us now know. PEMF, and all of its' derivative technologies, is the future of medicine. Having the ability to 'see' the future in any given endeavor is the key to success. Our Founder, Andy, is still with us in spirit and enjoying every moment of it. His daughter, Kelly, our CEO, is soldiering on, doing all she can to further and enhance his legacy. Of this I have no doubt whatsoever, despite the ranting and raving of a few malcontents, nevermind their suspect motivations.
Electro-Magnetism (E/M) is THE key to everything. The Powers-That-Be w/in the BP community have known for decades the beneficial effect E/M has on the human body, including the brain. Actipatch (vibrational therapy) is but one example as are acupuncture, infrared saunas, and yoga. Western medicine, doled out to the masses that is, has always looked to overcome and conquer the body w/ drugs and surgery for obscene profits and marginal results. Far better to work with the body's own defenses and neural networks. Healthier outcomes, less disease & discomfort. Electroceuticals is the new paradigm and BP knows it better than most. Medical companies investing 100s of millions, all within about 5 yrs, is not a random event.
" ... Electroceuticals — The Next Billion Dollar Bioelectric Market
Electroceuticals are an exciting new area of therapeutics being pioneered by a growing list of companies. This rapidly growing market is projected to reach USD 33.14 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 7.67% according to Kenneth Research.
As Time Magazine speculates, “Even with the still rudimentary efforts at stimulating some of the larger nerves in the body to treat, for example, headaches and chronic pain, financial analysts expect the market to reach $7 billion by 2025... "
Chakras, meridian lines, energy clusters, Hinduism third eye are concepts elusive to grasp. But we inflate a football with air we cannot see. So the air doesn't exist? We choose to believe one but not the others. How does acupuncture work? Should you decide to investigate E/M (inside and outside the human body) you will discover some very interesting info that could potentially rock your foundation to the core. Or is Plato's Cave your permanent home?
"The future belongs to those who recognize opportunities before they become obvious" - Oscar Wilde. We are the right company with the right e/m products in the right place at the right time. It is about to become very, very obvious.
I'm liking our chances - WBeacham

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