Is this another fact that I previously overlooked in my zeal to discover the newest and latest thing, instead of trying to fully understand the past? (long intro, my bad......)
Home Energy Experts in Norcross (Quigley's company acquired by SHKZ/RENU): http://www.handyamerican.com/local/contractor/9472
Description: The Home Energy Experts have been operating for over 20 years. Relocating to the State of Georgia from Ohio, The Home Energy Experts became operating partners with SafeGuard Protection Systems Inc. located in Norcross, Georgia. This merger created the One Location for Home Improvement and Home Security Systems including Fire and Ambulance Monitoring Service.
Safeguard Protection Systems, Norcross, GA: http://www.safeguardprotection.com/
Not sure where we currently stand with any of this, but it makes a lot of sense, that when you're having your house ripped up to do remodeling (insulation, green energy installation, etc), you have great opportunity to have security systems installed as well.