Sorry BIOMANBABA - you are off base here. If you have published articles endorsing a stock, and it is reported you liquidated your ENTIRE holdings, you have to address it or REFUTE it.
Seems to me here on the board, most of the folks have personal relationships and communicate offline as well. How are other posters supposed to know whether situps is lying or not. It appeared to me situps and KarinCa communicate frequently on stock matters.
KarinCA, as a renowed author, needs to SHOOT DOWN the rumors. I almost got stunned as to why she had changed her course on CTIX. Luckily i did not sell my holidngs.
There is a big difference between selling BASIS versus ENTIRE holdings. Appears she only sold her basis which is perfectly fine and the fact she still is a believer in CTIX which is great to hear. Definitely we had lot of unwarranted confusion.