Mayhem72ss, you can bet your booty this board is read by William and all the pumpers and scammers on IFLub and elsewhere. Just Google MMTE and Kgem, and you will see my posts at the top of the list.
I was in MMTE from the beginning --- way back when MMTE was in Oklahoma as an oil company. I would certainly have communicated with you then as now, and as most know, I have always been honest with everyone. If you have a little money remaining, and are interested in a cheap stock for a good gamble, I recommend HIMR at .0002. If you go to that board on IFlub, you will find PLUTUS, Yeagerboy, Ofspring, and others from MMTE bashing the stock even though they do not own it. This is the kind of low life scum bags they are, and you will see how obvious they are. If I can help, let me know. I don't claim to know everything, but I have been in stocks for a while.