Levs, As you can clearly see, I completely agree with what Yoda posted. As a matter of fact, it was indeed my ambiguous use of "ALL DEBTS" that triggered exactly the response I was looking for from Yoda.. Thank you..
He not only opined, but delivered the "Truth" that (nearly) $10M of stated RFMK deficit has in fact almost entirely been laid upon the backs and shoulders (and then some) of the RFMK shareholders.. It is a "Debt Owed".. so to speak.. "Huge deficits over a number of years can wipe out equity...."
I believe that I posted the other day about never underestimating the power of sarcasm..
It actually has more meaning and delivers a more clear message when you all hear it from EliteYoda versus hearing it from me..
If it pleases you all to state that BeauBeau is spinning his web of deceit... then so be it and I'll even accept that responsibility.. However, I do believe that most here are bright enough to "not succumb" to such simple manipulation of words.