the full article was previously posted but this is a reminder of the timetable expected by the lead BLM agent on the project (Buzz Todd) -things usually do take longer than expected in life but we are a month past Todds expected completion date, so we could be close to approval of the revised MPO
Daily miner article:
12/13/2012 6:00:00 AM
Ahron Sherman
Miner Staff Reporter
The process to open the Chloride Copper Mine, formerly known as Emerald Isle, has been drawn out over the last year, but it's getting to the point where those involved can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Sierra Resource Group, the Nevada-based mining company working to re-establish the mine, hired Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc. to deal with the Bureau of Land Management's permitting process, which starts with the Mine Plan of Operations.
Known as an MPO, the document outlines everything Sierra plans to do with the site, from mining and milling to reclamation. Once submitted, BLM reviews it and, if needed, requests revisions.
"There's been a lot of revisions made to the document over the last year," said Buzz Todd, lead geologist at the BLM Kingman office and the one in charge of Sierra's permitting process.
"But we're very, very close to having a technically complete document."
Todd took charge of the case in September. Sierra thought its MPO had been accepted by BLM that same month, but Todd, who has many years of experience, re-opened the case for additional review.
A better review lends itself to a better product and leads to fewer environmental impacts, he said.
The most recent MPO revision was submitted Dec. 8. Based on what he's seen, Todd expects for Sierra to have a completed MPO no later than mid-January.