There are a few posters here that have direct communication connections to the company-though most of us don't. Feels liberating to have a board that we can be more candid on, can be a blessing and a curse if not careful-IMO. Seems like on other boards whenever we have a downtrend a few are trying to dissuade the many not to sell (along with the few bashers hoping the worst), then when the there is a reversal, love is in the air for investors(and this is without any news).
Personally I fit all the HLNT board mantra-21/2 years as share holder, millions strong-not selling, friends now are on board (giving them all the disclaimers), have bought along the way and sold a little too, and my DD rests almost entirely from internet-I know blah, blah, blah.
There are variables definitely that are discouraging-lack of communication at the top of the list. For me, full disclosure, this stock and company has sooooo much potential and opportunity. 6-12 months, who really knows it could be next week, payoff is extremely high. Emotions get high and intense, understandably it's our money, but sometimes a breather-look at the concrete DD, the potential-We all must decide our fate as an investor to stay or go. Also Chad is thinking of the companies best interest (which in turn is US)
There is my venting for the day!