I will be posting another chapter of the MMTE/TTXP saga later tonight. MMTE is still dead and TTXP tanked today as shares were sold to pay the new people brought on board. Is TTXP mining? NO. Does TTXP have an NI43-101 resource study? NO. Has an environmental resource study been done? NO. Can TTXP get a loan or any kind of credit without a NI473-101? NO. How long will it take to get a resource study completed? Months and months and at a cost of thousands and thousands of dollars. How will this be paid for? Dilution. TTXP was deep in debt when William restarted this empty shell and now a 2.5 million dollar promotion has started. How can TTXP pay for anything anything? SELLING SHARES. So the question is, why is this the big hope of MMTE investors when all TTXP owns is 20% of whatever Copper Money Hole produces? NO ONE KNOWS BECAUSE THE COPPER MINE IS NOT PRODUCING ANYTHING AT ALL, AND CAN'T WITHOUT A RESOURCES STUDY, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, INDIGINOUS PEOPLES MITIGATIONS STUDY, AND THE COST AND TIME REQUIRED FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE.
Don't you wake up mornings just looking for investments like this?