Yes, IMO this stock is quite predictable. Get the direction of the volume change right and you can get the PPS right. Basically when volume drops the PPS falls and when the volume rises the PPS spikes higher. There are exceptions but on average this basically tells the tale of the tape IMO. Just low volume bid whacking in daily attempts to drum up more volume; the MMs always assume that with a lower price the volume could be higher than it is and they make money based on the daily volume so it is in their interests to drum up volume (ie.. taking the PPS down). Those who wish to play such nonsense daily games, have at it, all the power to you, good luck with that.
As for me, I remain long and continue to patiently wait for the audit and 10K filing which was promised by the CEO to be a reality in "weeks, not months" back in the late summer 2012.