I'm trying to reconcile these two statements of yours:
"Well the fact that a settlement was made and money changed hands means that some fraud or at the very least an accounting misstatement occurred. That sets a precedent for any similar case, which the various shareholder lawsuits are, and the derivative suit. Preceents are what drives settlements in law. This could end up costing JBI 7 figures if it is sued multiple times for the same basic offense. Especially if it is the government (SEC). That would carry alot of weight."
and this one:
"It is not a matter of the same offence, it is a matter of the harm done to the claimants. The shareholders are a different set of claimants than the SEC. I will try to do some research if I get the time. If I don't people can make up their own minds."
The cases are dead.
The discussion of possible cases is dead. It is FUD and trolling.