700 views tonight so far and still counting on the MMTE board on InvestorsHangout.com. This forum is the real deal folks. This is the place where investors can come to read and speak truthfully about stocks you own or owned and who may have conned or scammed you in the stocks you lost money on or perhaps on those stocks you made money on if you were fortunate. The MMTE board is open for business, and it is rocking. Don't be afraid of the IFlub crowd, they cannot hurt you here.
Ask your questions, get your answers, and you can even post privately for free to anyone you wish. You may find answers you were looking for or you simply may be glad you visited. The forum is free, it has free private messaging, and you can post honestly. The very same things you often are prevented from doing on other forums.
So tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell the ones you love that InvestorsHangout.com is the forum to be on. You won't be bored if you come here, and you may never return to your old forums again.
Read this if you wish to know more about InvestorsHangout.com:
Minnick affirms the efforts expended in development. "We have really turned over every stone in our quest for the ultimate platform for our members. After a long and timely eight months of consistent work and constant testing and re-testing, we are happy to finally show the world this long anticipated community. In my quest to become the world's best trader, I realized that the industry was missing something, and it was going to prevent me and many others from accomplishing financial freedom. I made a strategic decision to give up my trading dreams and do what it takes to provide traders with the ultimate tool - an unbiased community to learn and develop in."