As we all know by now, MMTE was or is supposed to merge with TTXP because this information was revealed to one or two people in a super secret meeting between William and these one or two others (over lunch in New York City is the way the story goes). Recently, TTXP released news that the mine Willy bought into (for 20%) did a self selected sampling of material that was simply just "lying about randomly on the surface." These samples were then collected, and tested at a local lab, and found to have copper values upward of 4%. That, my friends, is the story. And, it would be great if true and William and/or Lazerson had the money to mine. This, as we know, is unlikely because the reason Lazerson spent two years looking for someone --- anyone --- to partner with him, is because he did not even have the money for a 43-101 resource study.
Classroom time folks.
There is a term used by con men or confidence men called "salting a mine" that anyone considering investing in this scam should know. Salting or to salt the mine are terms for a confidence game (or con game or scam) in which gems or gold ore or any type of mineral are planted in a mine or on the landscape, duping the mark (an average investor) into purchasing shares in a worthless or non-existent mining company. During the Gold Rush, scammers would load shotguns with gold dust and shoot into the sides of the mine to give the appearance of a rich ore, thus "salting the mine". A 19th century example is the Diamond hoax of 1872 ; a modern example would be the imaginary gold deposits in Borneo .
Remember folks, Trilliant has been involved in both diamond mining and gold mining in the past, and investors lost everything on these scams. In fact, William claimed Trilliant had a gold mine in South America employing over 200 people. That too went bust and investors lost everything.
The press release states that the samples were just "lying around on the surface" for anyone to see, and may have been visible because of prior work in that area.
Now, no one should think that copper does not exist in this area. In fact, numerous companies have mined in this area in the past because copper mineralization does exist there, but they either went out of business or closed operations for one reason or another.
So, what can we learn from this press release? I suggest we learned next to nothing. Only a 43-101 is a valid resource study, and only a 43-101 will qualify anyone for getting a loan to mine. Lazerson did not have the money for a resource study, and if he did, it would take time and plenty of money. And did I mention the length of time typically required to bring a copper mine into product? It only takes about ten to twelve years, so patience is the key here. It also takes something like half a billion dollars to bring a copper mine into production. I wonder where that kind of money will be raised? Did anyone mention anything about an environmental impact statement --- they cost money, take time, and there are lots and lots of hoops to jump through. What's that? What about the impact on indigenous populations that must be mitigated, and at what cost and time? Oh hell yea, this is a great investment. Stay tuned.