Found this site about a month ago & been here ever since. Funny I havent had 1 post deleted. On
I-flub my avg. posts that would stick was maybe 1 in 10. Seems this board is run the American way
u know the way I believe & was raised freedom of speech unbiased you no. Just wantd to say thanks
to the ones that made this board possible. I was bandit1958 on the other board & have been a long
time investor since the ssev days. Glad to see the familiar names moving over here hope we can have
some good HLNT discussions before the species invade us. I do believe in my dd & research on HLNT
but we need something soon from HQ's or we will continue down imo but I have plenty of time & will
continue to hold until we get what I have been holding out for. Good luck to all longs.