What light it is, that shines on this RFMK board when posts like this remain.
Genius Hector... pure Genius.. I'm certain you've won the world over with that one!!
To bathe in the cesspools of human literary excrement and still find the ability to share and extract such genuine and poetically expressed self justification, well... it's truly beyond words!
AND, so be it shared with the Author, from every person that has ever posted on this board, that has brought and shared "constructive", albeit negative RFMK DD.
I know dating and an RFMK investing board most likely does not mix.. but, me thinks somebody is trying real to get a fix with Karma..???
The Intellect and Professional Demeanor expressed here speaks volumes to the average Joe or Jill that often touch the RFMK board to perform a little due diligence of their own. Great Work Hector.. Great Work!