NTEK HUGE DD DISCOVERY GONE UN-NOTICED?~~>FORESITE chose NANOTECH's NanoTweet App's library as part of their Cloud Computing Based Tools. Out of Millions of companies around the world for FORESITE a huge company to choose NTEK is just INCREDIBLE! This goes to show how much brains is behind NTEK and even though NTEK may be a small company it has the experience, resources and dedication to DELIVER and grow into an empire corporation the same way SIRIUS, MICROSOFT and NETFLIX did!
"We chose the NanoTweet™ App Library based on the unique set of features not found on any other Twitter tools," stated Lance Allison , Foresite CEO. "We are excited to be able to leverage the level of communication offered by Twitter and maximized by using the NanoTech cloud based tools. This will help us provide our customers and industry suppliers with a multitude of information and updates on the ever changing and complex issues of Global Compliance."