I backtracked the shell and did a lot of DD on this issue. Don't feel like going through the whole covoluted mess right now, so take my word for it or don't....
I traced the shell back to an $80 billion dollar fund that ran the original stock after it became public and then took it private, leaving 310 as an empty shell.
The shell was sold to John by a crook, the crook told John he should report the assets that the B.S. shell had been reporting and everything would be hunky dory. John bought it just as hundreds of other legit CEO's were suckered into the OTC mess. Shoot, if he had the right connections it would have worked, because it still happens over and over on the OTC, air assets are moved from one entity to another and sold to an ignorant public.
In this situation the tech was real, and the shell was a setup IMO. The same connections that allow these crooks to escape prosecution were used to exert pressure on the company.
The whole OTC is a filthy mess. Fortunately, JBI has the tech that will allow them to overcome.