Ouch! That's 2 stupid mailbags in a row...I mean, with all the issues, concerns and heat on this stock (and granted some potential --if value is demonstrated and reporting lies mitigated), the best this guy can do is discuss iHub? Is this guy in over his head, out to lunch, or what exactly am I missing?
Honestly, what's with YTO and EPA "everyone knows about"? Where is that information public?
In the meantime, serious and link-responses only need apply:
- can someone show where the $900,000.00 that was diluted went?
- can someone tell us where the BIG-BOY YTO tractor that was supposed to go on "sales tour" is?
- can someone explain where all these dealers are?
-how about the recent international inquiries previously (and seemingly name-dropped: i think it was Poland, Africa, ...)?
- can someone explain why the G-Lynch (W&H connection) has made NO PROGRESS on their amateur and somewhat embarrassing website (where is there evidence of business growth)?
I am not trying to put the stock down, even though my questions are dripping with cynicism, doubt, and may be easily viewed as critical (i think for good reason). As, I would like to share in the enthusiasm of the future, progress and growth. Looking for indications of a more-prosperous future such that I may be moved to invest. But, I just don't see it...so where is the enthusiasm for this stock coming from in terms that may be proven to NEW INVESTORS (today and tomorrow), that can be promoted to them, so they can SEE the stock as others do and therefore be inclined to take a position. At the end of the day,...isn't this what it is all about.
Consider me blind, help me see the light....tia. Only honest and direct answers preferable substantiated with links and proof only need apply. If I can be shown with facts, I will surely spread the good word to others who'll likely want to invest as well. Isn't that how this works?
With a week of trading days before the close of the 2nd-Quarter now would be a great time to make some noise and introduce new investors to tytn. The market cap, low share structure, product inventory (some assets) can be spun to make it appear like a good investment but the ceo hasn't shown the public anything to get excited about.