Good morning everyone. Its been very quiet in here lately. I believe most investors who have been optimistic with WRIT, have just decided to sit back and wait. Like many, I am not happy with the current share price, but it has also given anyone who believes,, a chance to own more shares than they ever imagined or average their investment down..... The other board turned into just a place where even some postive posts disappeared and a negative place overall. I believe in debating and everyones opinion,,, but listening to the same thing over and over again about something that yes,, its my own decision to invest in WRIT,,, but it just had many of us walking away for awhile.
Sometimes I think, what would WRIT have done announcing a concert a year ago? What would they have done with it? Now after a year, there has been distribution and partnerships put in place. Writers hired. Advicers with alot of experience in their field. And yes, I wish management would have more wedcasts and commmunication like back in August.... But also this management has had so much success in the past, I just hope the last 6 months they have been so busy,,,, there just hasn't been time. I still think alot of energy has been put into this,,, with people who have worked in the industry before.... Sure like any investment or actually anything in life,,, there is risk... but like 2 years ago I still believe.
3D seems everywhere. My town is building a new theatre now. I talked to a guy selling TV's who agreed there isnt enough 3D content yet to even satify the demand. I believe artists are looking for new ways to showcase their talents and make up for revenue that was lost due to just not as many CDs sold the traditional way..... So I am still here and right now you could say my posts are very similiar to the posts from a year ago,, so thats why I have been more quiet,,, but still here like many others..
I am not nieve enough that I dont understand this game has risks...... anybody who ever did anything in life personally, or in business or just about anything had to take a risk....I still believe and until something changes,,,, I will be here.... everyones knows I have a date with Brokesauce on the last trading day of this year at noon....... maybe I will be right and be enjoying my investment and the decisions I made...
I hope not,, but maybe I wont be right,,,, but life will go on....... Good luck everyone.....