Kgem, thanks for the comment on my honesty.
That aside, I meant what I said and have been waiting for the right time to do so.
I am free and clear with all the shares I own so have not really been in a rush to see others hurt by actions taken against Billy.
Lawsuits...I know nothing about and seriously doubt that anyone burnt by Billy will ever start one.
SEC on the other hand...if and when enough people decide that they have had enough and are willing to join together to burn that asshole down, then and only then would I put it all together. With multiple copies sent to SEC it very well might get them to take a good look at Billy's past and present co's and dealings.
I really think that most people that lost their money either do not want to work a little to do this or believe the bs that SEC would never investigate Billy.
Granted, I have talked to SEC before about other co's and have been told that they really don't bother with pinkies but if they were bombarded with tons of complaints along with information as to make it easier to do an investigation it very well might happen.
Bottom line is...a whole bunch of people have to commit to doing this (sending any info they have to the person willing to take time to put it all together) and then a well written document with all other info attached and then sent to SEC by everyone.
It might even take a couple of people to work on putting it together as to make sense ( as in time lines of the past years of Billy's dealings) it will be hours and hours of work. It would take me hours just to organize what I have on him.
If enough people want to do something rather than lick their wounds and walk away let me know and I will step up to the plate and help.
Again, I have lost nothing on MMTE but personally think Lieberman is a big asshole that is doing nothing but stealing peoples money.