RecInvestor - Thanks for your insights and user experience reviews. That is all very good detailed stuff about the product. I like the idea that it does not take much PIRD to give the user a lasting use out of the device. I like that the charging does not take more than a few hours. I would think the circuitry in the device would not allow the device to overheat, no matter what the users behavior is, just guessing. Its very good to hear that the vapor goes away quickly and there is really no lingering smell or odor. Also, the device not leaking is a very very big plus, as this I understand is a major flaw with many of the devices on the market.
I am still traveling the world this year so in various places, next stop Hong Kong, and I may just go visit Dragonite corp to light a fire under their ....**s, but I do not think I will be able to order one online as I do not have an MMJ license or documentation. Although, isn't the device available for all consumers at Tabu?!
I assume you have not encountered any issues with the "tug" of the device, or rather, how hard you have to pull in order to activate the device; how sensitive it is? Does it seem to quit vaporizing the PIRD once you have taken in the hit and quit "tugging"?
Thanks again for all of your due diligence, it really is priceless to have a real consumer on the ground reporting all the details from your perspective, great work, much appreciated!