Sorry... I made an edit to the reply, and all the text disappeared. Here it goes again.
Arbuckle... no, I don't. When you calculate the value of the difference between where this company's PPS should be, against where it currently is, you will see this is about some serious money here, regardless of the degree one may apply to the extent of damage those posts cause.
By now you have likely seen Mr. Collin's reply. Mr. Collins states that Steve posts over there "in an effort to protect shareholder value". He goes on to state "We are aggressively attempting to deal with the bullys on the other board that are trying to drag us down and sometimes we have to debase ourselves to do that." That, in my opinion, demonstrates the seriousness of the issue.
In addition to those posts over there being sick and twisted (and likely illegal), they are meant to cause harm, and are done with ill intent. Both the President and CEO of the company we all support feel that the posts over there can cause harm, so much so that they spend their valuable time rebutting the trash posted over there. If you believe that both Steve and Joseph are making good decisions regarding the running of this company, then understand why they take their valuable time to address the most serious of the misinformation over there.
I personally think, as do others here, that no one should legitimize that trash with a reply over there. If you feel you must rebut any of that trash, do so on a board that does not actively promote such trash. Posting over there only enables that company to grow stronger. Which company would you like to see grow stronger... LieHub, or Investors Hangout?
Additionally, take a few minutes to see what some other CEO's have to say about the practice of bashing, and their views of the seriousness of the practice.