I’m going to vent here a little, so look away if you disagree.
Steve… can you help me understand WHY you post on LieHub ? I will assume here that more than just I would like you to address this.
You have many loyal supporters on this board, yet you make (what some would call, frequent) appearances on LieHub. You respond to ridiculous questions and accusations, from people who ridicule you day and night. They denigrate you (and Joseph), lie about you, laugh at you, twist your words into an unrecognizable state, attack and defame you and Joseph, and the company you both have put your heart and soul into. Its my opinion LieHub is a contributing factor for the current state of the PPS. To what degree their shameless actions have affected the PPS is open for discussion, but I think none will argue its effect to some degree.
I think in the past you have suggested, maybe even stated, that you despise that board. I think I remember you mentioning that you did not favor STT radio because LieHub advertised on their broadcast. There are several instances where you indicated you were disgusted by the basher postings over there. And for all of this disdain you publically exhibit, you seem to gravitate there to address the most outrageous, unsubstantiated, and impossible to defend trash they can throw at you and your company. Your actions of posting over there seem to contradict your words of disdain for that board.
I know you have suggested in the past that you go there to try and mitigate the damage un-responded to claims can have to low information novice investors. I myself have described your action of responding tirelessly to questions asked of you over there after the last quarterly report was released, as admirable.
However, after repeated appearances on that board (at least 8 posts today alone), and giving that board priority over this board even when you do make an appearance here (which you have yet to post here once yet today)… begs the question of WHY ??? Why the preferential treatment of that board over this board? Seems to me, if you felt the need to answer any of the bashers questions, you could do so here on this board.
You have loyal supporters from this board, that post over on LieHub, in a valiant (but futile) effort to support PNCH, against insurmountable odds. Everyone who supports you, Joseph, and the company, dislikes posting on that board because by doing so they are contributing to the viewership of the site (which as you know, increases their profits via increased value of their ad space). However I think many feel as though they need to. I think you will find that any supporters you and the company have over there… are here also. And they post on this board by choice I would suspect.
Steve, I for one, am offended by these actions. I feel as a loyal supporter I am being taken for granted. It would appear to me, and perhaps others that think like me, that you show more respect to the bashers by allowing them to occupy your time and attention, over a loyal supporter like me. Its frustrating, and inexcusable that I have to visit, and in effect patronize, a company like LieHub, just so I can get informed on PNCH news and issues, when there is a board here that loyally supports you and the company, and that strives to achieve a higher standard for the information posted here. Again… I just don’t understand this and need your help to help me understand this.
Thank you…