Cheryl, I totally agree.
"Success is the best revenge"
very well said!
It is indeed just a game to those people, however they have done it time and again to many micro cap start ups and have been successful driving them into the ground and grinding up the shareholders into dust. How? The criminal group is a very large connected and resourceful bunch of parasitic jackals. They admit this much. Even while naked shorting the stock SFIO moments before litigation news came out about its prior CEO, they were posting over there about how us pathetic longs should just turn to the dark side of the force and do what they do because "there is a lot of money to be made" and the law "allows it happen and will do nothing". Therefore, just do not be in the dark in knowing that the dark side has many ways to deceive and many tricks in order to usurp the SEC regulations in order to attempt to attack micro cap companies such as RFMK. I am 100% confident in RFMK as well and indeed full success with sales and revenues will bring total legitimacy to RFMK, however just know it has been shown time and again with other stories that they have their ways to criminaly attack. They even can go so far as to interrupt the normal business process by interferring with the target companies business relationships as well as stock manipulation, etc. There are defenses the corp can use to block this criminal aggression but its like any target of criminality, if the target takes steps to make itself not as suseptable to attack, the criminals will move on to another target.
We longs see how much value all of your hard work behind the scenes has given to RFMK and the potential for huge sales and revenues going forward, in a relatively short amount of time. So we all thank you for your dedication, vision and work ethic.
May the force be with you